Interface that should be implemented by ABI serializable objects.


UML class diagram of Account
icon for a class in the UML class diagram class
icon for a public method in the UML class diagram public method
underlined static property/method

Hierarchy (view full)


account_name: string
core_liquid_balance: string
cpu_limit: Limit
cpu_weight: number
created: string
head_block_num: number
head_block_time: string
last_code_update: string
net_limit: Limit
net_weight: number
permissions: Permission[]
privileged: boolean
ram_quota: number
ram_usage: number
refund_request?: any
rex_info?: any
self_delegated_bandwidth: SelfDelegatedBandwidth
subjective_cpu_bill_limit: Limit
total_resources: TotalResources
voter_info: VoterInfo
abiFields: ABIField[]
abiName: string = '__struct'


  • get structFields(): ABIField[]
  • Returns ABIField[]


  • Return true if this struct equals the other.

    Note: This compares the ABI encoded bytes of both structs, subclasses should implement their own fast equality check when possible.


    • other: any

    Returns boolean