Interface ABISerializableConstructor

interface ABISerializableConstructor {
    abiAlias?: ABITypeDescriptor;
    abiBase?: ABISerializableConstructor;
    abiDefault?: (() => ABISerializable);
    abiFields?: ABIField[];
    abiName: string;
    abiVariant?: ABITypeDescriptor[];
    from(value): ABISerializable;
    fromABI?(decoder): ABISerializable;
    toABI?(value, encoder): void;


UML class diagram of ABISerializableConstructor
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Hierarchy (view full)


abiAlias?: ABITypeDescriptor

Alias to another type.

For structs, the base class this type extends.

abiDefault?: (() => ABISerializable)

Return value to use when creating a new instance of this type, used when decoding binary extensions.

Type declaration

abiFields?: ABIField[]

For structs, the fields that this type contains.

abiName: string

Name of the type, e.g. asset.

abiVariant?: ABITypeDescriptor[]

For variants, the different types this type can represent.


  • Static ABI encoding can be used to encode non-class types. Will be used in favor of instance.toABI if both exists.


    • value: any

      The value to encode.

    • encoder: ABIEncoder

      The encoder to write the value to.

    Returns void