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websocketpp::transport::iostream Namespace Reference

Transport policy that uses STL iostream for I/O and does not support timers.


namespace  error
 iostream transport errors


class  connection
class  endpoint
struct  timer


typedef lib::function< lib::error_code(connection_hdl, char const *, size_t)> write_handler
 The type and signature of the callback used by iostream transport to write.
typedef lib::function< lib::error_code(connection_hdl, std::vector< transport::buffer > const &bufs)> vector_write_handler
typedef lib::function< lib::error_code(connection_hdl)> shutdown_handler

Typedef Documentation

◆ shutdown_handler

typedef lib::function<lib::error_code(connection_hdl)> websocketpp::transport::iostream::shutdown_handler

The type and signature of the callback used by iostream transport to signal a transport shutdown.

Definition at line 61 of file base.hpp.

◆ vector_write_handler

typedef lib::function<lib::error_code(connection_hdl, std::vector<transport::buffer> const & bufs)> websocketpp::transport::iostream::vector_write_handler

The type and signature of the callback used by iostream transport to perform vectored writes. If a vectored write handler is not set the standard write handler will be called multiple times.

Definition at line 57 of file base.hpp.

◆ write_handler

typedef lib::function<lib::error_code(connection_hdl, char const *, size_t)> websocketpp::transport::iostream::write_handler

Definition at line 48 of file base.hpp.