Wire Sysio Wire Sysion 1.0.0
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websocketpp::transport::asio::tls_socket Namespace Reference


class  connection
 TLS enabled Asio connection socket component. More...
class  endpoint
 TLS enabled Asio endpoint socket component. More...


typedef lib::function< void(connection_hdl, lib::asio::ssl::stream< lib::asio::ip::tcp::socket > &)> socket_init_handler
 The signature of the socket_init_handler for this socket policy.
typedef lib::function< lib::shared_ptr< lib::asio::ssl::context >(connection_hdl)> tls_init_handler
 The signature of the tls_init_handler for this socket policy.

Detailed Description

A socket policy for the asio transport that implements a TLS encrypted socket by wrapping with an asio::ssl::stream

Typedef Documentation

◆ socket_init_handler

typedef lib::function<void(connection_hdl,lib::asio::ssl::stream< lib::asio::ip::tcp::socket>&)> websocketpp::transport::asio::tls_socket::socket_init_handler

Definition at line 53 of file tls.hpp.

◆ tls_init_handler

typedef lib::function<lib::shared_ptr<lib::asio::ssl::context>(connection_hdl)> websocketpp::transport::asio::tls_socket::tls_init_handler

Definition at line 56 of file tls.hpp.