Wire Sysio Wire Sysion 1.0.0
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gtest_unittest.cc File Reference
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
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class  testing::internal::TestEventListenersAccessor
class  testing::internal::UnitTestRecordPropertyTestHelper
class  TestingVector
struct  ConvertibleToAssertionResult
class  Base
class  namespace1::MyTypeInNameSpace1
class  namespace2::MyTypeInNameSpace2
class  testing::TestInfoTest
class  testing::CodeLocationForTESTF
class  testing::CodeLocationForTESTP
class  testing::CodeLocationForTYPEDTEST< T >
class  testing::CodeLocationForTYPEDTESTP< T >
class  testing::SetUpTestCaseTest
struct  testing::Flags
class  testing::ParseFlagsTest
class  testing::CurrentTestInfoTest
class  my_namespace::testing::Test
class  my_namespace::testing::Message
class  my_namespace::testing::AssertionResult
class  ProtectedFixtureMethodsTest
class  StaticAssertTypeEqTestHelper< T >
struct  TestListener
class  SequenceTestingListener
class  ConversionHelperBase
class  ConversionHelperDerived
class  NonContainer
struct  AHashTable
struct  NotReallyAHashTable
class  AdHocTestResultTest


namespace  testing
namespace  testing::internal
namespace  namespace1
namespace  namespace2
namespace  my_namespace
namespace  my_namespace::testing


#define GTEST_USE_UNPROTECTED_COMMA_   global_var++, global_var++
#define GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv1, argv2, expected, should_print_help)


typedef int IntAlias


 TEST (CommandLineFlagsTest, CanBeAccessedInCodeOnceGTestHIsIncluded)
::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const TestingVector &vector)
 testing::TEST (SuccessfulAssertionTest, SUCCEED)
 testing::TEST (SuccessfulAssertionTest, EXPECT)
 testing::TEST (SuccessfulAssertionTest, EXPECT_STR)
 testing::TEST (SuccessfulAssertionTest, ASSERT)
 testing::TEST (SuccessfulAssertionTest, ASSERT_STR)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, CopyConstructorWorksWhenNotOptimied)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, ConstructionWorks)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, NegationWorks)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, StreamingWorks)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, CanStreamOstreamManipulators)
 TEST (AssertionResultTest, ConstructibleFromImplicitlyConvertible)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Base &val)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Base *pointer)
 TEST (MessageTest, CanStreamUserTypeInGlobalNameSpace)
 TEST (MessageTest, CanStreamUserTypeInUnnamedNameSpace)
std::ostream & namespace1::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MyTypeInNameSpace1 &val)
std::ostream & namespace1::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MyTypeInNameSpace1 *pointer)
 TEST (MessageTest, CanStreamUserTypeInUserNameSpace)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const namespace2::MyTypeInNameSpace2 &val)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const namespace2::MyTypeInNameSpace2 *pointer)
 TEST (MessageTest, CanStreamUserTypeInUserNameSpaceWithStreamOperatorInGlobal)
 TEST (MessageTest, NullPointers)
 TEST (MessageTest, WideStrings)
 testing::TEST_F (TestInfoTest, Names)
 testing::TEST_F (TestInfoTest, result)
 testing::TEST (CodeLocationForTEST, Verify)
 testing::TEST_F (CodeLocationForTESTF, Verify)
 testing::TEST_P (CodeLocationForTESTP, Verify)
 testing::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (, CodeLocationForTESTP, Values(0))
 testing::TYPED_TEST_CASE (CodeLocationForTYPEDTEST, int)
 testing::TYPED_TEST (CodeLocationForTYPEDTEST, Verify)
 testing::TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (CodeLocationForTYPEDTESTP)
 testing::TYPED_TEST_P (CodeLocationForTYPEDTESTP, Verify)
 testing::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (CodeLocationForTYPEDTESTP, Verify)
 testing::TEST_F (SetUpTestCaseTest, Test1)
 testing::TEST_F (SetUpTestCaseTest, Test2)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, Empty)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, NoFlag)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, FilterBad)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, FilterEmpty)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, FilterNonEmpty)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, BreakOnFailureWithoutValue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, BreakOnFailureFalse_0)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, BreakOnFailureFalse_f)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, BreakOnFailureFalse_F)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, BreakOnFailureTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, CatchExceptions)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, DeathTestUseFork)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, DuplicatedFlags)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, UnrecognizedFlag)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ListTestsFlag)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ListTestsTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ListTestsFalse)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ListTestsFalse_f)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ListTestsFalse_F)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, OutputEmpty)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, OutputXml)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, OutputXmlFile)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, OutputXmlDirectory)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, PrintTimeFlag)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, PrintTimeTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, PrintTimeFalse)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, PrintTimeFalse_f)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, PrintTimeFalse_F)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, RandomSeed)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, Repeat)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, AlsoRunDisabledTestsTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, AlsoRunDisabledTestsFalse)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ShuffleWithoutValue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ShuffleFalse_0)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ShuffleTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, StackTraceDepth)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, StreamResultTo)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ThrowOnFailureWithoutValue)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ThrowOnFailureFalse_0)
 testing::TEST_F (ParseFlagsTest, ThrowOnFailureTrue)
 testing::TEST_F (CurrentTestInfoTest, WorksForFirstTestInATestCase)
 testing::TEST_F (CurrentTestInfoTest, WorksForSecondTestInATestCase)
 my_namespace::testing::TEST (NestedTestingNamespaceTest, Success)
 my_namespace::testing::TEST (NestedTestingNamespaceTest, Failure)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, Unconditional)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, Truth)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, Truth2)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, IntegerEquals)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, IntegerLessThan)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, StringsEqual)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, StringsNotEqual)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, StringsEqualIgnoringCase)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, StringNotEqualIgnoringCase)
 TEST (StreamingAssertionsTest, FloatingPointEquals)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesColorsWhenGTestColorFlagIsYes)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesColorsWhenGTestColorFlagIsAliasOfYes)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesNoColorWhenGTestColorFlagIsNo)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesNoColorWhenGTestColorFlagIsInvalid)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesColorsWhenStdoutIsTty)
 TEST (ColoredOutputTest, UsesColorsWhenTermSupportsColors)
 TEST (StaticAssertTypeEqTest, WorksInClass)
 TEST (StaticAssertTypeEqTest, CompilesForEqualTypes)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsNoFailure)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsOnlyFatalFailure)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsNonfatalFailure)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, ReturnsTrueWhenThereAreFatalAndNonfatalFailures)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, WorksOutsideOfTestBody)
 TEST (HasNonfatalFailureTest, WorksOutsideOfTestBody2)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsNoFailure)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsFatalFailure)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsNonfatalFailure)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, ReturnsTrueWhenThereAreFatalAndNonfatalFailures)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, WorksOutsideOfTestBody)
 TEST (HasFailureTest, WorksOutsideOfTestBody2)
 TEST (TestEventListenersTest, ConstructionWorks)
 TEST (TestEventListenersTest, DestructionWorks)
 TEST (TestEventListenersTest, Append)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, AppendKeepsOrder)
 TEST (TestEventListenersTest, Release)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, SuppressEventForwarding)
 TEST (EventListenerDeathTest, EventsNotForwardedInDeathTestSubprecesses)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, default_result_printer)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, RemovingDefaultResultPrinterWorks)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, default_xml_generator)
 TEST (EventListenerTest, RemovingDefaultXmlGeneratorWorks)
 GTEST_TEST (AlternativeNameTest, Works)
 TEST (IsAProtocolMessageTest, ValueIsCompileTimeConstant)
 TEST (IsAProtocolMessageTest, ValueIsTrueWhenTypeIsAProtocolMessage)
 TEST (IsAProtocolMessageTest, ValueIsFalseWhenTypeIsNotAProtocolMessage)
 TEST (CompileAssertTypesEqual, CompilesWhenTypesAreEqual)
 TEST (RemoveReferenceTest, DoesNotAffectNonReferenceType)
 TEST (RemoveReferenceTest, RemovesReference)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveReference ()
 TEST (RemoveReferenceTest, MacroVersion)
 TEST (RemoveConstTest, DoesNotAffectNonConstType)
 TEST (RemoveConstTest, RemovesConst)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveConst ()
 TEST (RemoveConstTest, MacroVersion)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveReferenceAndConst ()
 TEST (RemoveReferenceToConstTest, Works)
 TEST (AddReferenceTest, DoesNotAffectReferenceType)
 TEST (AddReferenceTest, AddsReference)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestAddReference ()
 TEST (AddReferenceTest, MacroVersion)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestReferenceToConst ()
 TEST (GTestReferenceToConstTest, Works)
 TEST (ImplicitlyConvertibleTest, ValueIsCompileTimeConstant)
 TEST (ImplicitlyConvertibleTest, ValueIsTrueWhenConvertible)
 TEST (ImplicitlyConvertibleTest, ValueIsFalseWhenNotConvertible)
 TEST (IsContainerTestTest, WorksForNonContainer)
 TEST (IsContainerTestTest, WorksForContainer)
 TEST (IsHashTable, Basic)
 TEST (ArrayEqTest, WorksForDegeneratedArrays)
 TEST (ArrayEqTest, WorksForOneDimensionalArrays)
 TEST (ArrayEqTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalArrays)
 TEST (ArrayAwareFindTest, WorksForOneDimensionalArray)
 TEST (ArrayAwareFindTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalArray)
 TEST (CopyArrayTest, WorksForDegeneratedArrays)
 TEST (CopyArrayTest, WorksForOneDimensionalArrays)
 TEST (CopyArrayTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalArrays)
 TEST (NativeArrayTest, ConstructorFromArrayWorks)
 TEST (NativeArrayTest, CreatesAndDeletesCopyOfArrayWhenAskedTo)
 TEST (NativeArrayTest, TypeMembersAreCorrect)
 TEST (NativeArrayTest, MethodsWork)
 TEST (NativeArrayTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalArray)
 TEST (SkipPrefixTest, SkipsWhenPrefixMatches)
 TEST (SkipPrefixTest, DoesNotSkipWhenPrefixDoesNotMatch)
 TEST_F (AdHocTestResultTest, AdHocTestResultForTestCaseShowsFailure)
 TEST_F (AdHocTestResultTest, AdHocTestResultTestForUnitTestDoesNotShowFailure)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_ ( argv1,
should_print_help )
TestParsingFlags(sizeof(argv1)/sizeof(*argv1) - 1, argv1, \
sizeof(argv2)/sizeof(*argv2) - 1, argv2, \
expected, should_print_help)

Definition at line 5739 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5739# define GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv1, argv2, expected, should_print_help) \
5740 TestParsingFlags(sizeof(argv1)/sizeof(*argv1) - 1, argv1, \
5741 sizeof(argv2)/sizeof(*argv2) - 1, argv2, \
5742 expected, should_print_help)


#define GTEST_USE_UNPROTECTED_COMMA_   global_var++, global_var++

Definition at line 1261 of file gtest_unittest.cc.


const int expected_line = __LINE__ - 1; \
const TestInfo* const test_info = GetUnitTestImpl()->current_test_info(); \
ASSERT_TRUE(test_info); \
EXPECT_STREQ(__FILE__, test_info->file()); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected_line, test_info->line())
const char * file() const
Definition gtest.h:699
int line() const
Definition gtest.h:702

Definition at line 5370 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5371 const int expected_line = __LINE__ - 1; \
5372 const TestInfo* const test_info = GetUnitTestImpl()->current_test_info(); \
5373 ASSERT_TRUE(test_info); \
5374 EXPECT_STREQ(__FILE__, test_info->file()); \
5375 EXPECT_EQ(expected_line, test_info->line())

Typedef Documentation

◆ IntAlias

typedef int IntAlias

Definition at line 6918 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Function Documentation


GTEST_TEST ( AlternativeNameTest ,
Works  )

Definition at line 7331 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7331 { // GTEST_TEST is the same as TEST.
7332 GTEST_SUCCEED() << "OK"; // GTEST_SUCCEED is the same as SUCCEED.
7334 // GTEST_FAIL is the same as FAIL.
7335 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_FAIL() << "An expected failure",
7336 "An expected failure");
7338 // GTEST_ASSERT_XY is the same as ASSERT_XY.
7340 GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, 0);
7341 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, 1) << "An expected failure",
7342 "An expected failure");
7343 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(1, 0) << "An expected failure",
7344 "An expected failure");
7346 GTEST_ASSERT_NE(0, 1);
7347 GTEST_ASSERT_NE(1, 0);
7348 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_NE(0, 0) << "An expected failure",
7349 "An expected failure");
7351 GTEST_ASSERT_LE(0, 0);
7352 GTEST_ASSERT_LE(0, 1);
7353 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_LE(1, 0) << "An expected failure",
7354 "An expected failure");
7356 GTEST_ASSERT_LT(0, 1);
7357 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_LT(0, 0) << "An expected failure",
7358 "An expected failure");
7359 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_LT(1, 0) << "An expected failure",
7360 "An expected failure");
7362 GTEST_ASSERT_GE(0, 0);
7363 GTEST_ASSERT_GE(1, 0);
7364 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_GE(0, 1) << "An expected failure",
7365 "An expected failure");
7367 GTEST_ASSERT_GT(1, 0);
7368 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_GT(0, 1) << "An expected failure",
7369 "An expected failure");
7370 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(GTEST_ASSERT_GT(1, 1) << "An expected failure",
7371 "An expected failure");
#define EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(statement, substr)
Definition gtest-spi.h:137
#define GTEST_ASSERT_GT(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1981
Definition gtest.h:1862
#define GTEST_ASSERT_GE(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1979
#define GTEST_ASSERT_LT(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1977
#define GTEST_FAIL()
Definition gtest.h:1853
#define GTEST_ASSERT_NE(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1973
#define GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1969
#define GTEST_ASSERT_LE(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1975

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

::std::ostream & operator<< ( ::std::ostream & os,
const TestingVector & vector )

Definition at line 301 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

304 {
305 os << "{ ";
306 for (size_t i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) {
307 os << vector[i] << " ";
308 }
309 os << "}";
310 return os;
os_t os

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const Base & val )

Definition at line 5195 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5196 {
5197 return os << val.x();

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const Base * pointer )

Definition at line 5199 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5200 {
5201 return os << "(" << pointer->x() << ")";
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > & pointer
Definition pointer.h:1181

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const namespace2::MyTypeInNameSpace2 & val )

Definition at line 5270 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5271 {
5272 return os << val.x();

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const namespace2::MyTypeInNameSpace2 * pointer )

Definition at line 5274 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5275 {
5276 return os << "(" << pointer->x() << ")";

◆ TEST() [1/90]

◆ TEST() [2/90]

TEST ( AddReferenceTest ,
DoesNotAffectReferenceType  )

◆ TEST() [3/90]

TEST ( AddReferenceTest ,
MacroVersion  )

Definition at line 7494 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [4/90]

TEST ( ArrayAwareFindTest ,
WorksForOneDimensionalArray  )

Definition at line 7637 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7637 {
7638 const char a[] = "hello";
7639 EXPECT_EQ(a + 4, ArrayAwareFind(a, a + 5, 'o'));
7640 EXPECT_EQ(a + 5, ArrayAwareFind(a, a + 5, 'x'));
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1954
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 T::AllocatorType & a
Definition pointer.h:1181

◆ TEST() [5/90]

TEST ( ArrayAwareFindTest ,
WorksForTwoDimensionalArray  )

Definition at line 7643 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7643 {
7644 int a[][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } };
7645 const int b[2] = { 2, 3 };
7646 EXPECT_EQ(a + 1, ArrayAwareFind(a, a + 3, b));
7648 const int c[2] = { 6, 7 };
7649 EXPECT_EQ(a + 3, ArrayAwareFind(a, a + 3, c));

◆ TEST() [6/90]

TEST ( ArrayEqTest ,
WorksForDegeneratedArrays  )

Definition at line 7606 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7606 {
7607 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(5, 5L));
7608 EXPECT_FALSE(ArrayEq('a', 0));
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition gtest.h:1895
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition gtest.h:1898

◆ TEST() [7/90]

TEST ( ArrayEqTest ,
WorksForOneDimensionalArrays  )

Definition at line 7611 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7611 {
7612 // Note that a and b are distinct but compatible types.
7613 const int a[] = { 0, 1 };
7614 long b[] = { 0, 1 };
7615 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, b));
7616 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, 2, b));
7618 b[0] = 2;
7619 EXPECT_FALSE(ArrayEq(a, b));
7620 EXPECT_FALSE(ArrayEq(a, 1, b));

◆ TEST() [8/90]

TEST ( ArrayEqTest ,
WorksForTwoDimensionalArrays  )

Definition at line 7623 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7623 {
7624 const char a[][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
7625 const char b[][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
7626 const char c[][3] = { "hi", "li" };
7628 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, b));
7629 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, 2, b));
7631 EXPECT_FALSE(ArrayEq(a, c));
7632 EXPECT_FALSE(ArrayEq(a, 2, c));

◆ TEST() [9/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
CanStreamOstreamManipulators  )

Definition at line 5155 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5155 {
5156 AssertionResult r = AssertionSuccess();
5157 r << "Data" << std::endl << std::flush << std::ends << "Will be visible";
5158 EXPECT_STREQ("Data\n\\0Will be visible", r.message());
const mie::Vuint & r
Definition bn.cpp:28
#define EXPECT_STREQ(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2027

◆ TEST() [10/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
ConstructibleFromImplicitlyConvertible  )

Definition at line 5181 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

◆ TEST() [11/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
ConstructionWorks  )

Definition at line 5116 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5116 {
5117 AssertionResult r1 = AssertionSuccess();
5118 EXPECT_TRUE(r1);
5119 EXPECT_STREQ("", r1.message());
5121 AssertionResult r2 = AssertionSuccess() << "abc";
5122 EXPECT_TRUE(r2);
5123 EXPECT_STREQ("abc", r2.message());
5125 AssertionResult r3 = AssertionFailure();
5126 EXPECT_FALSE(r3);
5127 EXPECT_STREQ("", r3.message());
5129 AssertionResult r4 = AssertionFailure() << "def";
5130 EXPECT_FALSE(r4);
5131 EXPECT_STREQ("def", r4.message());
5133 AssertionResult r5 = AssertionFailure(Message() << "ghi");
5134 EXPECT_FALSE(r5);
5135 EXPECT_STREQ("ghi", r5.message());
const char * message() const
Definition gtest.h:314
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [12/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
CopyConstructorWorksWhenNotOptimied  )

Definition at line 5100 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5100 {
5101 // Checks that the copy constructor doesn't try to dereference NULL pointers
5102 // in the source object.
5103 AssertionResult r1 = AssertionSuccess();
5104 AssertionResult r2 = r1;
5105 // The following line is added to prevent the compiler from optimizing
5106 // away the constructor call.
5107 r1 << "abc";
5109 AssertionResult r3 = r1;
5110 EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(r3), static_cast<bool>(r1));
5111 EXPECT_STREQ("abc", r1.message());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [13/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
NegationWorks  )

Definition at line 5139 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5139 {
5140 AssertionResult r1 = AssertionSuccess() << "abc";
5141 EXPECT_FALSE(!r1);
5142 EXPECT_STREQ("abc", (!r1).message());
5144 AssertionResult r2 = AssertionFailure() << "def";
5145 EXPECT_TRUE(!r2);
5146 EXPECT_STREQ("def", (!r2).message());

◆ TEST() [14/90]

TEST ( AssertionResultTest ,
StreamingWorks  )

Definition at line 5149 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5149 {
5150 AssertionResult r = AssertionSuccess();
5151 r << "abc" << 'd' << 0 << true;
5152 EXPECT_STREQ("abcd0true", r.message());

◆ TEST() [15/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesColorsWhenGTestColorFlagIsAliasOfYes  )

Definition at line 6787 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6787 {
6788 SetEnv("TERM", "dumb"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6790 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "True";
6791 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
6793 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "t";
6794 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
6796 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "1";
6797 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
#define GTEST_FLAG(name)

◆ TEST() [16/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesColorsWhenGTestColorFlagIsYes  )

Definition at line 6775 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6775 {
6776 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "yes";
6778 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm"); // TERM supports colors.
6779 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6780 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
6782 SetEnv("TERM", "dumb"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6783 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6784 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.

◆ TEST() [17/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesColorsWhenStdoutIsTty  )

Definition at line 6825 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6825 {
6826 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "auto";
6828 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm"); // TERM supports colors.
6829 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
6830 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.

◆ TEST() [18/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesColorsWhenTermSupportsColors  )

Definition at line 6833 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6833 {
6834 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "auto";
6837 // On Windows, we ignore the TERM variable as it's usually not set.
6839 SetEnv("TERM", "dumb");
6840 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6842 SetEnv("TERM", "");
6843 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6845 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm");
6846 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6848 // On non-Windows platforms, we rely on TERM to determine if the
6849 // terminal supports colors.
6851 SetEnv("TERM", "dumb"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6852 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6854 SetEnv("TERM", "emacs"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6855 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6857 SetEnv("TERM", "vt100"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6858 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6860 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm-mono"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6861 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6863 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm"); // TERM supports colors.
6864 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6866 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm-color"); // TERM supports colors.
6867 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6869 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm-256color"); // TERM supports colors.
6870 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6872 SetEnv("TERM", "screen"); // TERM supports colors.
6873 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6875 SetEnv("TERM", "screen-256color"); // TERM supports colors.
6876 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6878 SetEnv("TERM", "tmux"); // TERM supports colors.
6879 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6881 SetEnv("TERM", "tmux-256color"); // TERM supports colors.
6882 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6884 SetEnv("TERM", "rxvt-unicode"); // TERM supports colors.
6885 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6887 SetEnv("TERM", "rxvt-unicode-256color"); // TERM supports colors.
6888 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6890 SetEnv("TERM", "linux"); // TERM supports colors.
6891 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6893 SetEnv("TERM", "cygwin"); // TERM supports colors.
6894 EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6895#endif // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS

◆ TEST() [19/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesNoColorWhenGTestColorFlagIsInvalid  )

Definition at line 6812 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6812 {
6813 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm"); // TERM supports colors.
6815 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "F";
6816 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6818 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "0";
6819 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6821 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "unknown";
6822 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.

◆ TEST() [20/90]

TEST ( ColoredOutputTest ,
UsesNoColorWhenGTestColorFlagIsNo  )

Definition at line 6800 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6800 {
6801 GTEST_FLAG(color) = "no";
6803 SetEnv("TERM", "xterm"); // TERM supports colors.
6804 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6805 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.
6807 SetEnv("TERM", "dumb"); // TERM doesn't support colors.
6808 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(true)); // Stdout is a TTY.
6809 EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldUseColor(false)); // Stdout is not a TTY.

◆ TEST() [21/90]

TEST ( CommandLineFlagsTest ,
CanBeAccessedInCodeOnceGTestHIsIncluded  )

Definition at line 40 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

40 {
41 bool dummy = testing::GTEST_FLAG(also_run_disabled_tests)
42 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(break_on_failure)
43 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions)
44 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(color) != "unknown"
45 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter) != "unknown"
46 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(list_tests)
47 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(output) != "unknown"
48 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(print_time)
49 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(random_seed)
50 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(repeat) > 0
51 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(show_internal_stack_frames)
52 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(shuffle)
53 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(stack_trace_depth) > 0
54 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(stream_result_to) != "unknown"
55 || testing::GTEST_FLAG(throw_on_failure);
56 EXPECT_TRUE(dummy || !dummy); // Suppresses warning that dummy is unused.
constexpr enabler dummy
An instance to use in EnableIf.
Definition CLI11.hpp:856

◆ TEST() [22/90]

TEST ( CompileAssertTypesEqual ,
CompilesWhenTypesAreEqual  )

Definition at line 7404 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

◆ TEST() [23/90]

TEST ( CopyArrayTest ,
WorksForDegeneratedArrays  )

Definition at line 7654 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7654 {
7655 int n = 0;
7656 CopyArray('a', &n);
7657 EXPECT_EQ('a', n);

◆ TEST() [24/90]

TEST ( CopyArrayTest ,
WorksForOneDimensionalArrays  )

Definition at line 7660 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7660 {
7661 const char a[3] = "hi";
7662 int b[3];
7663#ifndef __BORLANDC__ // C++Builder cannot compile some array size deductions.
7664 CopyArray(a, &b);
7665 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, b));
7668 int c[3];
7669 CopyArray(a, 3, c);
7670 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, c));

◆ TEST() [25/90]

TEST ( CopyArrayTest ,
WorksForTwoDimensionalArrays  )

Definition at line 7673 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7673 {
7674 const int a[2][3] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 } };
7675 int b[2][3];
7676#ifndef __BORLANDC__ // C++Builder cannot compile some array size deductions.
7677 CopyArray(a, &b);
7678 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, b));
7681 int c[2][3];
7682 CopyArray(a, 2, c);
7683 EXPECT_TRUE(ArrayEq(a, c));

◆ TEST() [26/90]

TEST ( EventListenerDeathTest ,
EventsNotForwardedInDeathTestSubprecesses  )

Definition at line 7201 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7201 {
7204 *GetUnitTestImpl()->listeners())) << "expected failure";},
7205 "expected failure");
static bool EventForwardingEnabled(const TestEventListeners &listeners)
#define EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(statement, regex)
#define GTEST_CHECK_(condition)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [27/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
AppendKeepsOrder  )

Definition at line 7123 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7123 {
7124 std::vector<std::string> vec;
7125 TestEventListeners listeners;
7126 listeners.Append(new SequenceTestingListener(&vec, "1st"));
7127 listeners.Append(new SequenceTestingListener(&vec, "2nd"));
7128 listeners.Append(new SequenceTestingListener(&vec, "3rd"));
7132 ASSERT_EQ(3U, vec.size());
7133 EXPECT_STREQ("1st.OnTestProgramStart", vec[0].c_str());
7134 EXPECT_STREQ("2nd.OnTestProgramStart", vec[1].c_str());
7135 EXPECT_STREQ("3rd.OnTestProgramStart", vec[2].c_str());
7137 vec.clear();
7140 ASSERT_EQ(3U, vec.size());
7141 EXPECT_STREQ("3rd.OnTestProgramEnd", vec[0].c_str());
7142 EXPECT_STREQ("2nd.OnTestProgramEnd", vec[1].c_str());
7143 EXPECT_STREQ("1st.OnTestProgramEnd", vec[2].c_str());
7145 vec.clear();
7147 *UnitTest::GetInstance(), 0);
7148 ASSERT_EQ(3U, vec.size());
7149 EXPECT_STREQ("1st.OnTestIterationStart", vec[0].c_str());
7150 EXPECT_STREQ("2nd.OnTestIterationStart", vec[1].c_str());
7151 EXPECT_STREQ("3rd.OnTestIterationStart", vec[2].c_str());
7153 vec.clear();
7155 *UnitTest::GetInstance(), 0);
7156 ASSERT_EQ(3U, vec.size());
7157 EXPECT_STREQ("3rd.OnTestIterationEnd", vec[0].c_str());
7158 EXPECT_STREQ("2nd.OnTestIterationEnd", vec[1].c_str());
7159 EXPECT_STREQ("1st.OnTestIterationEnd", vec[2].c_str());
virtual void OnTestIterationEnd(const UnitTest &unit_test, int iteration)=0
virtual void OnTestProgramStart(const UnitTest &unit_test)=0
virtual void OnTestIterationStart(const UnitTest &unit_test, int iteration)=0
virtual void OnTestProgramEnd(const UnitTest &unit_test)=0
void Append(TestEventListener *listener)
Definition gtest.cc:4304
static UnitTest * GetInstance()
Definition gtest.cc:4374
static TestEventListener * GetRepeater(TestEventListeners *listeners)
#define ASSERT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1988
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [28/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
default_result_printer  )

Definition at line 7211 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7211 {
7212 int on_start_counter = 0;
7213 bool is_destroyed = false;
7214 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7216 TestEventListeners listeners;
7219 EXPECT_EQ(listener, listeners.default_result_printer());
7224 EXPECT_EQ(1, on_start_counter);
7226 // Replacing default_result_printer with something else should remove it
7227 // from the list and destroy it.
7230 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_result_printer() == NULL);
7231 EXPECT_TRUE(is_destroyed);
7233 // After broadcasting an event the counter is still the same, indicating
7234 // the listener is not in the list anymore.
7237 EXPECT_EQ(1, on_start_counter);
TestEventListener * default_result_printer() const
Definition gtest.h:1127
static void SetDefaultResultPrinter(TestEventListeners *listeners, TestEventListener *listener)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [29/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
default_xml_generator  )

Definition at line 7270 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7270 {
7271 int on_start_counter = 0;
7272 bool is_destroyed = false;
7273 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7275 TestEventListeners listeners;
7278 EXPECT_EQ(listener, listeners.default_xml_generator());
7283 EXPECT_EQ(1, on_start_counter);
7285 // Replacing default_xml_generator with something else should remove it
7286 // from the list and destroy it.
7289 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_xml_generator() == NULL);
7290 EXPECT_TRUE(is_destroyed);
7292 // After broadcasting an event the counter is still the same, indicating
7293 // the listener is not in the list anymore.
7296 EXPECT_EQ(1, on_start_counter);
TestEventListener * default_xml_generator() const
Definition gtest.h:1138
static void SetDefaultXmlGenerator(TestEventListeners *listeners, TestEventListener *listener)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [30/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
RemovingDefaultResultPrinterWorks  )

Definition at line 7242 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7242 {
7243 int on_start_counter = 0;
7244 bool is_destroyed = false;
7245 // Although Append passes the ownership of this object to the list,
7246 // the following calls release it, and we need to delete it before the
7247 // test ends.
7248 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7249 {
7250 TestEventListeners listeners;
7253 EXPECT_EQ(listener, listeners.Release(listener));
7254 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_result_printer() == NULL);
7255 EXPECT_FALSE(is_destroyed);
7257 // Broadcasting events now should not affect default_result_printer.
7260 EXPECT_EQ(0, on_start_counter);
7261 }
7262 // Destroying the list should not affect the listener now, too.
7263 EXPECT_FALSE(is_destroyed);
7264 delete listener;
TestEventListener * Release(TestEventListener *listener)
Definition gtest.cc:4311
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [31/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
RemovingDefaultXmlGeneratorWorks  )

Definition at line 7301 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7301 {
7302 int on_start_counter = 0;
7303 bool is_destroyed = false;
7304 // Although Append passes the ownership of this object to the list,
7305 // the following calls release it, and we need to delete it before the
7306 // test ends.
7307 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7308 {
7309 TestEventListeners listeners;
7312 EXPECT_EQ(listener, listeners.Release(listener));
7313 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_xml_generator() == NULL);
7314 EXPECT_FALSE(is_destroyed);
7316 // Broadcasting events now should not affect default_xml_generator.
7319 EXPECT_EQ(0, on_start_counter);
7320 }
7321 // Destroying the list should not affect the listener now, too.
7322 EXPECT_FALSE(is_destroyed);
7323 delete listener;
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [32/90]

TEST ( EventListenerTest ,
SuppressEventForwarding  )

Definition at line 7185 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7185 {
7186 int on_start_counter = 0;
7187 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, NULL);
7189 TestEventListeners listeners;
7190 listeners.Append(listener);
7196 EXPECT_EQ(0, on_start_counter);
static void SuppressEventForwarding(TestEventListeners *listeners)
#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
Definition gtest.h:1904
#define ASSERT_TRUE(condition)
Definition gtest.h:1901
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [33/90]

TEST ( GTestReferenceToConstTest ,
Works  )

◆ TEST() [34/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsNoFailure  )

Definition at line 6969 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6969 {
6970 EXPECT_FALSE(HasFailure());

◆ TEST() [35/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
ReturnsTrueWhenThereAreFatalAndNonfatalFailures  )

Definition at line 6987 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6987 {
6988 FailFatally();
6990 const bool has_failure = HasFailure();
6991 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6992 EXPECT_TRUE(has_failure);
#define ADD_FAILURE()
Definition gtest.h:1844

◆ TEST() [36/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsFatalFailure  )

Definition at line 6973 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6973 {
6974 FailFatally();
6975 const bool has_failure = HasFailure();
6976 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6977 EXPECT_TRUE(has_failure);

◆ TEST() [37/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsNonfatalFailure  )

Definition at line 6980 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6980 {
6982 const bool has_failure = HasFailure();
6983 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6984 EXPECT_TRUE(has_failure);

◆ TEST() [38/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
WorksOutsideOfTestBody  )

Definition at line 6998 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6998 {
6999 EXPECT_FALSE(HasFailureHelper());

◆ TEST() [39/90]

TEST ( HasFailureTest ,
WorksOutsideOfTestBody2  )

Definition at line 7002 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7002 {
7004 const bool has_failure = HasFailureHelper();
7005 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
7006 EXPECT_TRUE(has_failure);

◆ TEST() [40/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsNoFailure  )

Definition at line 6925 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6925 {
6926 EXPECT_FALSE(HasNonfatalFailure());

◆ TEST() [41/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
ReturnsFalseWhenThereIsOnlyFatalFailure  )

Definition at line 6931 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6931 {
6932 FailFatally();
6933 const bool has_nonfatal_failure = HasNonfatalFailure();
6934 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6935 EXPECT_FALSE(has_nonfatal_failure);

◆ TEST() [42/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
ReturnsTrueWhenThereAreFatalAndNonfatalFailures  )

Definition at line 6945 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6945 {
6946 FailFatally();
6948 const bool has_nonfatal_failure = HasNonfatalFailure();
6949 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6950 EXPECT_TRUE(has_nonfatal_failure);

◆ TEST() [43/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
ReturnsTrueWhenThereIsNonfatalFailure  )

Definition at line 6938 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6938 {
6940 const bool has_nonfatal_failure = HasNonfatalFailure();
6941 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6942 EXPECT_TRUE(has_nonfatal_failure);

◆ TEST() [44/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
WorksOutsideOfTestBody  )

Definition at line 6958 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6958 {
6959 EXPECT_FALSE(HasNonfatalFailureHelper());

◆ TEST() [45/90]

TEST ( HasNonfatalFailureTest ,
WorksOutsideOfTestBody2  )

Definition at line 6962 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6962 {
6964 const bool has_nonfatal_failure = HasNonfatalFailureHelper();
6965 ClearCurrentTestPartResults();
6966 EXPECT_TRUE(has_nonfatal_failure);

◆ TEST() [46/90]

TEST ( ImplicitlyConvertibleTest ,
ValueIsCompileTimeConstant  )

Definition at line 7514 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

◆ TEST() [47/90]

◆ TEST() [48/90]

◆ TEST() [49/90]

TEST ( IsAProtocolMessageTest ,
ValueIsCompileTimeConstant  )

◆ TEST() [50/90]

TEST ( IsAProtocolMessageTest ,
ValueIsFalseWhenTypeIsNotAProtocolMessage  )

◆ TEST() [51/90]

TEST ( IsAProtocolMessageTest ,
ValueIsTrueWhenTypeIsAProtocolMessage  )

◆ TEST() [52/90]

TEST ( IsContainerTestTest ,
WorksForContainer  )

Definition at line 7553 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7553 {
7554 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(IsContainer),
7555 sizeof(IsContainerTest<std::vector<bool> >(0)));
7556 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(IsContainer),
7557 sizeof(IsContainerTest<std::map<int, double> >(0)));

◆ TEST() [53/90]

TEST ( IsContainerTestTest ,
WorksForNonContainer  )

Definition at line 7547 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7547 {
7548 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(IsNotContainer), sizeof(IsContainerTest<int>(0)));
7549 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(IsNotContainer), sizeof(IsContainerTest<char[5]>(0)));
7550 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(IsNotContainer), sizeof(IsContainerTest<NonContainer>(0)));

◆ TEST() [54/90]

TEST ( IsHashTable ,
Basic  )

Definition at line 7592 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7592 {
7595#if GTEST_LANG_CXX11
7597 EXPECT_TRUE(testing::internal::IsHashTable<std::unordered_set<int>>::value);
7598#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
7600 EXPECT_TRUE(testing::internal::IsHashTable<__gnu_cxx::hash_set<int>>::value);
7601#endif // GTEST_HAS_HASH_SET_

◆ TEST() [55/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
CanStreamUserTypeInGlobalNameSpace  )

Definition at line 5204 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5204 {
5205 Message msg;
5206 Base a(1);
5208 msg << a << &a; // Uses ::operator<<.
5209 EXPECT_STREQ("1(1)", msg.GetString().c_str());
std::string GetString() const
Definition gtest.cc:995
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [56/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
CanStreamUserTypeInUnnamedNameSpace  )

Definition at line 5229 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5229 {
5230 Message msg;
5231 MyTypeInUnnamedNameSpace a(1);
5233 msg << a << &a; // Uses <unnamed_namespace>::operator<<.
5234 EXPECT_STREQ("1(1)", msg.GetString().c_str());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [57/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
CanStreamUserTypeInUserNameSpace  )

Definition at line 5254 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5254 {
5255 Message msg;
5258 msg << a << &a; // Uses namespace1::operator<<.
5259 EXPECT_STREQ("1(1)", msg.GetString().c_str());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [58/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
CanStreamUserTypeInUserNameSpaceWithStreamOperatorInGlobal  )

Definition at line 5279 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5279 {
5280 Message msg;
5283 msg << a << &a; // Uses ::operator<<.
5284 EXPECT_STREQ("1(1)", msg.GetString().c_str());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [59/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
NullPointers  )

Definition at line 5288 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5288 {
5289 Message msg;
5290 char* const p1 = NULL;
5291 unsigned char* const p2 = NULL;
5292 int* p3 = NULL;
5293 double* p4 = NULL;
5294 bool* p5 = NULL;
5295 Message* p6 = NULL;
5297 msg << p1 << p2 << p3 << p4 << p5 << p6;
5298 ASSERT_STREQ("(null)(null)(null)(null)(null)(null)",
5299 msg.GetString().c_str());
#define ASSERT_STREQ(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2036
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [60/90]

TEST ( MessageTest ,
WideStrings  )

Definition at line 5303 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

5303 {
5304 // Streams a NULL of type const wchar_t*.
5305 const wchar_t* const_wstr = NULL;
5306 EXPECT_STREQ("(null)",
5307 (Message() << const_wstr).GetString().c_str());
5309 // Streams a NULL of type wchar_t*.
5310 wchar_t* wstr = NULL;
5311 EXPECT_STREQ("(null)",
5312 (Message() << wstr).GetString().c_str());
5314 // Streams a non-NULL of type const wchar_t*.
5315 const_wstr = L"abc\x8119";
5316 EXPECT_STREQ("abc\xe8\x84\x99",
5317 (Message() << const_wstr).GetString().c_str());
5319 // Streams a non-NULL of type wchar_t*.
5320 wstr = const_cast<wchar_t*>(const_wstr);
5321 EXPECT_STREQ("abc\xe8\x84\x99",
5322 (Message() << wstr).GetString().c_str());

◆ TEST() [61/90]

TEST ( NativeArrayTest ,
ConstructorFromArrayWorks  )

Definition at line 7688 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7688 {
7689 const int a[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
7691 EXPECT_EQ(3U, na.size());
7692 EXPECT_EQ(a, na.begin());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [62/90]

TEST ( NativeArrayTest ,
CreatesAndDeletesCopyOfArrayWhenAskedTo  )

Definition at line 7695 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7695 {
7696 typedef int Array[2];
7697 Array* a = new Array[1];
7698 (*a)[0] = 0;
7699 (*a)[1] = 1;
7701 EXPECT_NE(*a, na.begin());
7702 delete[] a;
7703 EXPECT_EQ(0, na.begin()[0]);
7704 EXPECT_EQ(1, na.begin()[1]);
7706 // We rely on the heap checker to verify that na deletes the copy of
7707 // array.
#define EXPECT_NE(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1958
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [63/90]

TEST ( NativeArrayTest ,
MethodsWork  )

Definition at line 7718 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7718 {
7719 const int a[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
7721 ASSERT_EQ(3U, na.size());
7722 EXPECT_EQ(3, na.end() - na.begin());
7725 EXPECT_EQ(0, *it);
7726 ++it;
7727 EXPECT_EQ(1, *it);
7728 it++;
7729 EXPECT_EQ(2, *it);
7730 ++it;
7731 EXPECT_EQ(na.end(), it);
7733 EXPECT_TRUE(na == na);
7736 EXPECT_TRUE(na == na2);
7738 const int b1[3] = { 0, 1, 1 };
7739 const int b2[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
const_iterator begin() const
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [64/90]

TEST ( NativeArrayTest ,
TypeMembersAreCorrect  )

Definition at line 7710 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7710 {
7711 StaticAssertTypeEq<char, NativeArray<char>::value_type>();
7712 StaticAssertTypeEq<int[2], NativeArray<int[2]>::value_type>();
7714 StaticAssertTypeEq<const char*, NativeArray<char>::const_iterator>();
7715 StaticAssertTypeEq<const bool(*)[2], NativeArray<bool[2]>::const_iterator>();

◆ TEST() [65/90]

TEST ( NativeArrayTest ,
WorksForTwoDimensionalArray  )

Definition at line 7744 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7744 {
7745 const char a[2][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
7747 ASSERT_EQ(2U, na.size());
7748 EXPECT_EQ(a, na.begin());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [66/90]

TEST ( RemoveConstTest ,
DoesNotAffectNonConstType  )

◆ TEST() [67/90]

TEST ( RemoveConstTest ,
MacroVersion  )

Definition at line 7454 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [68/90]

◆ TEST() [69/90]

TEST ( RemoveReferenceTest ,
DoesNotAffectNonReferenceType  )

◆ TEST() [70/90]

TEST ( RemoveReferenceTest ,
MacroVersion  )

Definition at line 7428 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [71/90]

TEST ( RemoveReferenceTest ,
RemovesReference  )

◆ TEST() [72/90]

TEST ( RemoveReferenceToConstTest ,
Works  )

◆ TEST() [73/90]

TEST ( SkipPrefixTest ,
DoesNotSkipWhenPrefixDoesNotMatch  )

Definition at line 7765 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7765 {
7766 const char* const str = "world";
7768 const char* p = str;
7769 EXPECT_FALSE(SkipPrefix("W", &p));
7770 EXPECT_EQ(str, p);
7772 p = str;
7773 EXPECT_FALSE(SkipPrefix("world!", &p));
7774 EXPECT_EQ(str, p);
const mie::Vuint & p
Definition bn.cpp:27
return str
Definition CLI11.hpp:1359

◆ TEST() [74/90]

TEST ( SkipPrefixTest ,
SkipsWhenPrefixMatches  )

Definition at line 7753 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7753 {
7754 const char* const str = "hello";
7756 const char* p = str;
7757 EXPECT_TRUE(SkipPrefix("", &p));
7758 EXPECT_EQ(str, p);
7760 p = str;
7761 EXPECT_TRUE(SkipPrefix("hell", &p));
7762 EXPECT_EQ(str + 4, p);

◆ TEST() [75/90]

TEST ( StaticAssertTypeEqTest ,
CompilesForEqualTypes  )

Definition at line 6920 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6920 {
6921 StaticAssertTypeEq<int, IntAlias>();
6922 StaticAssertTypeEq<int*, IntAlias*>();

◆ TEST() [76/90]

TEST ( StaticAssertTypeEqTest ,
WorksInClass  )

◆ TEST() [77/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
FloatingPointEquals  )

Definition at line 6733 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6733 {
6734 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, 1.0) << "unexpected failure";
6735 ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, 1.0) << "unexpected failure";
6736 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0, 1.0) << "expected failure",
6737 "expected failure");
6738 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0, 1.0) << "expected failure",
6739 "expected failure");
#define EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(statement, substr)
Definition gtest-spi.h:203
#define ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:2067
#define EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:2059

◆ TEST() [78/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
IntegerEquals  )

Definition at line 6679 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6679 {
6680 EXPECT_EQ(1, 1) << "unexpected failure";
6681 ASSERT_EQ(1, 1) << "unexpected failure";
6682 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_EQ(1, 2) << "expected failure",
6683 "expected failure");
6684 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_EQ(1, 2) << "expected failure",
6685 "expected failure");

◆ TEST() [79/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
IntegerLessThan  )

Definition at line 6688 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6688 {
6689 EXPECT_LT(1, 2) << "unexpected failure";
6690 ASSERT_LT(1, 2) << "unexpected failure";
6691 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_LT(2, 1) << "expected failure",
6692 "expected failure");
6693 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_LT(2, 1) << "expected failure",
6694 "expected failure");
#define EXPECT_LT(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:1962
#define ASSERT_LT(val1, val2)
Definition gtest.h:2000

◆ TEST() [80/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
StringNotEqualIgnoringCase  )

Definition at line 6724 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6724 {
6725 EXPECT_STRCASENE("foo", "bar") << "unexpected failure";
6726 ASSERT_STRCASENE("foo", "bar") << "unexpected failure";
6727 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_STRCASENE("foo", "FOO") << "expected failure",
6728 "expected failure");
6729 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_STRCASENE("bar", "BAR") << "expected failure",
6730 "expected failure");
#define EXPECT_STRCASENE(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2033
#define ASSERT_STRCASENE(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2042

◆ TEST() [81/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
StringsEqual  )

Definition at line 6697 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6697 {
6698 EXPECT_STREQ("foo", "foo") << "unexpected failure";
6699 ASSERT_STREQ("foo", "foo") << "unexpected failure";
6700 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_STREQ("foo", "bar") << "expected failure",
6701 "expected failure");
6702 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_STREQ("foo", "bar") << "expected failure",
6703 "expected failure");

◆ TEST() [82/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
StringsEqualIgnoringCase  )

Definition at line 6715 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6715 {
6716 EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("foo", "FOO") << "unexpected failure";
6717 ASSERT_STRCASEEQ("foo", "FOO") << "unexpected failure";
6718 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("foo", "bar") << "expected failure",
6719 "expected failure");
6720 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_STRCASEEQ("foo", "bar") << "expected failure",
6721 "expected failure");
#define ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2040
#define EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2031

◆ TEST() [83/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
StringsNotEqual  )

Definition at line 6706 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6706 {
6707 EXPECT_STRNE("foo", "bar") << "unexpected failure";
6708 ASSERT_STRNE("foo", "bar") << "unexpected failure";
6709 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_STRNE("foo", "foo") << "expected failure",
6710 "expected failure");
6711 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_STRNE("foo", "foo") << "expected failure",
6712 "expected failure");
#define ASSERT_STRNE(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2038
#define EXPECT_STRNE(s1, s2)
Definition gtest.h:2029

◆ TEST() [84/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
Truth  )

Definition at line 6656 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6656 {
6657 EXPECT_TRUE(true) << "unexpected failure";
6658 ASSERT_TRUE(true) << "unexpected failure";
6659 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "expected failure",
6660 "expected failure");
6661 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "expected failure",
6662 "expected failure");

◆ TEST() [85/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
Truth2  )

Definition at line 6665 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6665 {
6666 EXPECT_FALSE(false) << "unexpected failure";
6667 ASSERT_FALSE(false) << "unexpected failure";
6668 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(EXPECT_FALSE(true) << "expected failure",
6669 "expected failure");
6670 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(ASSERT_FALSE(true) << "expected failure",
6671 "expected failure");

◆ TEST() [86/90]

TEST ( StreamingAssertionsTest ,
Unconditional  )

Definition at line 6643 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

6643 {
6644 SUCCEED() << "expected success";
6645 EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(ADD_FAILURE() << "expected failure",
6646 "expected failure");
6647 EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(FAIL() << "expected failure",
6648 "expected failure");
#define FAIL()
Definition gtest.h:1858
#define SUCCEED()
Definition gtest.h:1867

◆ TEST() [87/90]

TEST ( TestEventListenersTest ,
Append  )

Definition at line 7069 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7069 {
7070 int on_start_counter = 0;
7071 bool is_destroyed = false;
7072 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7073 {
7074 TestEventListeners listeners;
7075 listeners.Append(listener);
7078 EXPECT_EQ(1, on_start_counter);
7079 }
7080 EXPECT_TRUE(is_destroyed);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [88/90]

TEST ( TestEventListenersTest ,
ConstructionWorks  )

Definition at line 7033 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7033 {
7034 TestEventListeners listeners;
7037 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_result_printer() == NULL);
7038 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.default_xml_generator() == NULL);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [89/90]

TEST ( TestEventListenersTest ,
DestructionWorks  )

Definition at line 7043 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7043 {
7044 bool default_result_printer_is_destroyed = false;
7045 bool default_xml_printer_is_destroyed = false;
7046 bool extra_listener_is_destroyed = false;
7047 TestListener* default_result_printer = new TestListener(
7048 NULL, &default_result_printer_is_destroyed);
7049 TestListener* default_xml_printer = new TestListener(
7050 NULL, &default_xml_printer_is_destroyed);
7051 TestListener* extra_listener = new TestListener(
7052 NULL, &extra_listener_is_destroyed);
7054 {
7055 TestEventListeners listeners;
7057 default_result_printer);
7059 default_xml_printer);
7060 listeners.Append(extra_listener);
7061 }
7062 EXPECT_TRUE(default_result_printer_is_destroyed);
7063 EXPECT_TRUE(default_xml_printer_is_destroyed);
7064 EXPECT_TRUE(extra_listener_is_destroyed);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [90/90]

TEST ( TestEventListenersTest ,
Release  )

Definition at line 7164 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7164 {
7165 int on_start_counter = 0;
7166 bool is_destroyed = false;
7167 // Although Append passes the ownership of this object to the list,
7168 // the following calls release it, and we need to delete it before the
7169 // test ends.
7170 TestListener* listener = new TestListener(&on_start_counter, &is_destroyed);
7171 {
7172 TestEventListeners listeners;
7173 listeners.Append(listener);
7174 EXPECT_EQ(listener, listeners.Release(listener));
7177 EXPECT_TRUE(listeners.Release(listener) == NULL);
7178 }
7179 EXPECT_EQ(0, on_start_counter);
7180 EXPECT_FALSE(is_destroyed);
7181 delete listener;
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [1/2]

TEST_F ( AdHocTestResultTest ,
AdHocTestResultForTestCaseShowsFailure  )

Definition at line 7786 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7786 {
7790 EXPECT_TRUE(test_result.Failed());
const TestResult & ad_hoc_test_result() const
Definition gtest.h:878
bool Failed() const
Definition gtest.cc:2186
const TestCase * current_test_case() const GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(mutex_)
Definition gtest.cc:4678
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST_F() [2/2]

TEST_F ( AdHocTestResultTest ,
AdHocTestResultTestForUnitTestDoesNotShowFailure  )

Definition at line 7793 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

7793 {
7794 const testing::TestResult& test_result =
7796 EXPECT_FALSE(test_result.Failed());
const TestResult & ad_hoc_test_result() const
Definition gtest.cc:4471
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TestGTestAddReference()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestAddReference ( )

Definition at line 7490 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TestGTestReferenceToConst()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestReferenceToConst ( )

Definition at line 7502 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TestGTestRemoveConst()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveConst ( )

Definition at line 7450 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TestGTestRemoveReference()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveReference ( )

Definition at line 7424 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TestGTestRemoveReferenceAndConst()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void TestGTestRemoveReferenceAndConst ( )

Definition at line 7463 of file gtest_unittest.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function: