Interface GetTableRowsParamsKeyed<Index, Key>

interface GetTableRowsParamsKeyed<Index, Key> {
    code: NameType;
    index_position?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "fourth" | "fifth" | "sixth" | "seventh" | "eighth" | "ninth" | "tenth";
    json?: boolean;
    key_type: Key;
    limit?: UInt32Type;
    lower_bound?: Index;
    reverse?: boolean;
    scope?: string | TableIndexType;
    show_payer?: boolean;
    table: NameType;
    upper_bound?: Index;

Type Parameters


UML class diagram of GetTableRowsParamsKeyed
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code: NameType

The name of the smart contract that controls the provided table.

index_position?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "fourth" | "fifth" | "sixth" | "seventh" | "eighth" | "ninth" | "tenth"

Position of the index used, defaults to primary.

json?: boolean

Whether node should try to decode row data using code abi. Determined automatically based the type param if omitted.

key_type: Key

Index key type, determined automatically when passing a typed upper_bound or lower_bound.

limit?: UInt32Type

How many rows to fetch, defaults to 10 if unset.

lower_bound?: Index

Lower lookup bound.

reverse?: boolean

Whether to iterate records in reverse order.

scope?: string | TableIndexType

The account to which this data belongs, if omitted will be set to be same as code.

show_payer?: boolean

Set to true to populate the ram_payers array in the response.

table: NameType

Name of the table to query.

upper_bound?: Index

Upper lookup bound.