120typedef lib::function<void(lib::error_code
const &,
188 return "websocketpp.transport";
194 return "Generic transport policy error";
196 return "Underlying Transport Error";
198 return "async_read_at_least call requested more bytes than buffer can store";
200 return "The operation was aborted";
202 return "The operation is not supported by this transport";
204 return "End of File";
206 return "TLS Short Read";
208 return "Timer Expired";
210 return "A transport action was requested after shutdown";
212 return "Generic TLS related error";
225 return lib::error_code(
struct is_error_code_enum<
char const * name() const _WEBSOCKETPP_NOEXCEPT_TOKEN_
std::string message(int value) const
lib::error_code make_error_code(error::value e)
@ pass_through
underlying transport pass through
@ operation_not_supported
Operation not supported.
@ operation_aborted
Operation aborted.
@ tls_error
Other TLS error.
@ invalid_num_bytes
async_read_at_least call requested more bytes than buffer can store
@ action_after_shutdown
read or write after shutdown
@ tls_short_read
TLS short read.
@ double_read
async_read called while another async_read was in progress
lib::error_category const & get_category()
lib::function< void(lib::error_code const &, size_t)> read_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the read method.
lib::function< void()> dispatch_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the dispatch method.
lib::function< void()> interrupt_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the interrupt method.
lib::function< void(lib::error_code const &)> timer_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the read method.
lib::function< void(lib::error_code const &)> write_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the write method.
lib::function< void(lib::error_code const &)> init_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the init hook.
lib::function< void(lib::error_code const &)> shutdown_handler
The type and signature of the callback passed to the shutdown method.
Namespace for the WebSocket++ project.
A simple utility buffer class.
buffer(char const *b, size_t l)