113 return "websocketpp.transport.asio.socket";
119 return "Security policy error";
121 return "Socket component error";
123 return "Invalid state";
125 return "Invalid or empty TLS context supplied";
127 return "TLS handshake timed out";
129 return "Pass through from socket policy";
131 return "Required tls_init handler not present.";
133 return "TLS handshake failed";
135 return "Failed to set TLS SNI hostname";
Error category related to asio transport socket policies.
char const * name() const _WEBSOCKETPP_NOEXCEPT_TOKEN_
std::string message(int value) const
@ missing_tls_init_handler
Required tls_init handler not present.
@ invalid_state
A function was called in a state that it was illegal to do so.
@ tls_failed_sni_hostname
Failed to set TLS SNI hostname.
@ tls_handshake_failed
TLS Handshake Failed.
@ tls_handshake_timeout
TLS Handshake Timeout.
@ pass_through
pass_through from underlying library
lib::function< void(const lib::error_code &)> init_handler
Type of asio transport socket policy initialization handlers.
lib::function< void(lib::asio::error_code const &)> shutdown_handler
lib::error_code make_error_code(error::value e)
lib::error_category const & get_socket_category()
Namespace for the WebSocket++ project.