15 explicit ripemd160(
const string& hex_str );
18 explicit operator string()
54 ds.write( ep.
sizeof(ep) );
60 ds.read( ep.
sizeof(ep) );
88 struct hash<
92 return *((
Used to forward declare value types.
void write(const char *d, uint32_t dlen)
static ripemd160 hash(const T &t)
friend bool operator>(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend bool operator!=(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend bool operator>=(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend bool operator<(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend ripemd160 operator^(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend T & operator>>(T &ds, ripemd160 &ep)
static ripemd160 hash(const fc::sha512 &h)
friend bool operator==(const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
friend T & operator<<(T &ds, const ripemd160 &ep)
stores null, int64, uint64, double, bool, string, std::vector<variant>, and variant_object's.
void pack(Stream &s, const std::deque< T > &value)
void from_variant(const fc::variant &v, sysio::chain::chain_id_type &cid)
void to_variant(const sysio::chain::shared_public_key &var, fc::variant &vo)
constexpr const char sha256[]
#define T(meth, val, expected)
static const char * name()
size_t operator()(const fc::ripemd160 &s) const