Wire Sysio Wire Sysion 1.0.0
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
14#include <fc/io/json.hpp>
16#include <fc/scoped_exit.hpp>
18#include <boost/asio.hpp>
19#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
21#include <iostream>
22#include <algorithm>
23#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
24#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
25#include <boost/function_output_iterator.hpp>
26#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
27#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
28#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
29#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
30#include <boost/signals2/connection.hpp>
32namespace bmi = boost::multi_index;
33using bmi::indexed_by;
34using bmi::ordered_non_unique;
35using bmi::member;
36using bmi::tag;
37using bmi::hashed_unique;
39using boost::multi_index_container;
41using std::string;
42using std::vector;
43using std::deque;
44using boost::signals2::scoped_connection;
46#undef FC_LOG_AND_DROP
47#define LOG_AND_DROP() \
48 catch ( const guard_exception& e ) { \
49 chain_plugin::handle_guard_exception(e); \
50 } catch ( const std::bad_alloc& ) { \
51 chain_plugin::handle_bad_alloc(); \
52 } catch ( boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) { \
53 chain_plugin::handle_db_exhaustion(); \
54 } catch( fc::exception& er ) { \
55 wlog( "${details}", ("details",er.to_detail_string()) ); \
56 } catch( const std::exception& e ) { \
57 fc::exception fce( \
58 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( warn, "std::exception: ${what}: ",("what",e.what()) ), \
59 fc::std_exception_code,\
60 BOOST_CORE_TYPEID(e).name(), \
61 e.what() ) ; \
62 wlog( "${details}", ("details",fce.to_detail_string()) ); \
63 } catch( ... ) { \
64 fc::unhandled_exception e( \
65 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( warn, "unknown: ", ), \
66 std::current_exception() ); \
67 wlog( "${details}", ("details",e.to_detail_string()) ); \
68 }
70const std::string logger_name("producer_plugin");
73const std::string trx_successful_trace_logger_name("transaction_success_tracing");
76const std::string trx_failed_trace_logger_name("transaction_failure_tracing");
79const std::string trx_trace_success_logger_name("transaction_trace_success");
82const std::string trx_trace_failure_logger_name("transaction_trace_failure");
85const std::string trx_logger_name("transaction");
88namespace sysio {
90static appbase::abstract_plugin& _producer_plugin = app().register_plugin<producer_plugin>();
92using namespace sysio::chain;
93using namespace sysio::chain::plugin_interface;
95namespace {
96 bool exception_is_exhausted(const fc::exception& e) {
97 auto code = e.code();
98 return (code == block_cpu_usage_exceeded::code_value) ||
99 (code == block_net_usage_exceeded::code_value) ||
100 (code == deadline_exception::code_value);
101 }
109struct by_id;
110struct by_expiry;
112using transaction_id_with_expiry_index = multi_index_container<
114 indexed_by<
115 hashed_unique<tag<by_id>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(transaction_id_with_expiry, transaction_id_type, trx_id)>,
116 ordered_non_unique<tag<by_expiry>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(transaction_id_with_expiry, fc::time_point, expiry)>
117 >
120struct by_height;
137 static bfs::path get_final_path(const block_id_type& block_id, const bfs::path& snapshots_dir) {
138 return snapshots_dir / fc::format_string("snapshot-${id}.bin", fc::mutable_variant_object()("id", block_id));
139 }
141 static bfs::path get_pending_path(const block_id_type& block_id, const bfs::path& snapshots_dir) {
142 return snapshots_dir / fc::format_string(".pending-snapshot-${id}.bin", fc::mutable_variant_object()("id", block_id));
143 }
145 static bfs::path get_temp_path(const block_id_type& block_id, const bfs::path& snapshots_dir) {
146 return snapshots_dir / fc::format_string(".incomplete-snapshot-${id}.bin", fc::mutable_variant_object()("id", block_id));
147 }
150 auto block_ptr = chain.fetch_block_by_id( block_id );
151 auto in_chain = (bool)block_ptr;
152 boost::system::error_code ec;
154 if (!in_chain) {
155 bfs::remove(bfs::path(pending_path), ec);
156 SYS_THROW(snapshot_finalization_exception,
157 "Snapshotted block was forked out of the chain. ID: ${block_id}",
158 ("block_id", block_id));
159 }
161 bfs::rename(bfs::path(pending_path), bfs::path(final_path), ec);
162 SYS_ASSERT(!ec, snapshot_finalization_exception,
163 "Unable to finalize valid snapshot of block number ${bn}: [code: ${ec}] ${message}",
164 ("bn", get_height())
165 ("ec", ec.value())
166 ("message", ec.message()));
168 return {block_id, block_ptr->block_num(), block_ptr->timestamp, chain_snapshot_header::current_version, final_path};
169 }
173 std::string pending_path;
174 std::string final_path;
177using pending_snapshot_index = multi_index_container<
179 indexed_by<
180 hashed_unique<tag<by_id>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(pending_snapshot, block_id_type, block_id)>,
181 ordered_non_unique<tag<by_height>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_CONST_MEM_FUN( pending_snapshot, uint32_t, get_height)>
182 >
186 producing,
190namespace {
192// track multiple failures on unapplied transactions
193class account_failures {
196 //lifetime of sb must outlive account_failures
197 explicit account_failures( const sysio::subjective_billing& sb )
199 {
200 }
202 void set_max_failures_per_account( uint32_t max_failures ) {
203 max_failures_per_account = max_failures;
204 }
206 void add( const account_name& n, int64_t exception_code ) {
207 auto& fa = failed_accounts[n];
208 ++fa.num_failures;
209 fa.add( n, exception_code );
210 }
212 // return true if exceeds max_failures_per_account and should be dropped
213 bool failure_limit( const account_name& n ) {
214 auto fitr = failed_accounts.find( n );
215 bool is_whitelisted = subjective_billing.is_account_disabled( n );
216 if( !is_whitelisted && fitr != failed_accounts.end() && fitr->second.num_failures >= max_failures_per_account ) {
217 ++fitr->second.num_failures;
218 return true;
219 }
220 return false;
221 }
223 void report() const {
225 auto now = fc::time_point::now();
226 for( const auto& e : failed_accounts ) {
227 std::string reason;
228 if( e.second.is_deadline() ) reason += "deadline";
229 if( e.second.is_tx_cpu_usage() ) {
230 if( !reason.empty() ) reason += ", ";
231 reason += "tx_cpu_usage";
232 }
233 if( e.second.is_sysio_assert() ) {
234 if( !reason.empty() ) reason += ", ";
235 reason += "assert";
236 }
237 if( e.second.is_other() ) {
238 if( !reason.empty() ) reason += ", ";
239 reason += "other";
240 }
241 fc_dlog( _log, "Failed ${n} trxs, account: ${a}, sub bill: ${b}us, reason: ${r}",
242 ("n", e.second.num_failures)("b", subjective_billing.get_subjective_bill(e.first, now))
243 ("a", e.first)("r", reason) );
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 void clear() {
249 failed_accounts.clear();
250 }
253 struct account_failure {
254 enum class ex_fields : uint8_t {
255 ex_deadline_exception = 1,
256 ex_tx_cpu_usage_exceeded = 2,
257 ex_sysio_assert_exception = 4,
258 ex_other_exception = 8
259 };
261 void add( const account_name& n, int64_t exception_code ) {
262 if( exception_code == tx_cpu_usage_exceeded::code_value ) {
263 ex_flags = set_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_tx_cpu_usage_exceeded );
264 } else if( exception_code == deadline_exception::code_value ) {
265 ex_flags = set_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_deadline_exception );
266 } else if( exception_code == sysio_assert_message_exception::code_value ||
267 exception_code == sysio_assert_code_exception::code_value ) {
268 ex_flags = set_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_sysio_assert_exception );
269 } else {
270 ex_flags = set_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_other_exception );
271 fc_dlog( _log, "Failed trx, account: ${a}, reason: ${r}",
272 ("a", n)("r", exception_code) );
273 }
274 }
276 bool is_deadline() const { return has_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_deadline_exception ); }
277 bool is_tx_cpu_usage() const { return has_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_tx_cpu_usage_exceeded ); }
278 bool is_sysio_assert() const { return has_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_sysio_assert_exception ); }
279 bool is_other() const { return has_field( ex_flags, ex_fields::ex_other_exception ); }
283 };
285 std::map<account_name, account_failure> failed_accounts;
286 uint32_t max_failures_per_account = 3;
290} // anonymous namespace
292class producer_plugin_impl : public std::enable_shared_from_this<producer_plugin_impl> {
293 public:
294 producer_plugin_impl(boost::asio::io_service& io)
295 :_timer(io)
296 ,_transaction_ack_channel(app().get_channel<compat::channels::transaction_ack>())
297 {
298 }
300 std::optional<fc::time_point> calculate_next_block_time(const account_name& producer_name, const block_timestamp_type& current_block_time) const;
303 void produce_block();
304 bool maybe_produce_block();
305 bool block_is_exhausted() const;
306 bool remove_expired_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline );
307 bool remove_expired_blacklisted_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline );
308 bool process_unapplied_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline );
309 void process_scheduled_and_incoming_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline, size_t& pending_incoming_process_limit );
310 bool process_incoming_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline, size_t& pending_incoming_process_limit );
312 boost::program_options::variables_map _options;
314 bool _pause_production = false;
317 std::map<chain::public_key_type, signature_provider_type> _signature_providers;
318 std::set<chain::account_name> _producers;
319 boost::asio::deadline_timer _timer;
320 using producer_watermark = std::pair<uint32_t, block_timestamp_type>;
321 std::map<chain::account_name, producer_watermark> _producer_watermarks;
324 std::optional<named_thread_pool> _thread_pool;
326 std::atomic<int32_t> _max_transaction_time_ms; // modified by app thread, read by net_plugin thread pool
327 std::atomic<bool> _received_block{false}; // modified by net_plugin thread pool and app thread
340 std::vector<chain::digest_type> _protocol_features_to_activate;
341 bool _protocol_features_signaled = false; // to mark whether it has been signaled in start_block
347 incoming::methods::block_sync::method_type::handle _incoming_block_sync_provider;
348 incoming::methods::transaction_async::method_type::handle _incoming_transaction_async_provider;
355 std::optional<scoped_connection> _accepted_block_connection;
356 std::optional<scoped_connection> _accepted_block_header_connection;
357 std::optional<scoped_connection> _irreversible_block_connection;
359 /*
361 * Boost timers can be in a state where a handler has not yet executed but is not abortable.
362 * As this method needs to mutate state handlers depend on for proper functioning to maintain
363 * invariants for other code (namely accepting incoming transactions in a nearly full block)
364 * the handlers capture a corelation ID at the time they are set. When they are executed
365 * they must check that correlation_id against the global ordinal. If it does not match that
366 * implies that this method has been called with the handler in the state where it should be
367 * cancelled but wasn't able to be.
368 */
371 // keep a expected ratio between defer txn and incoming txn
372 double _incoming_defer_ratio = 1.0; // 1:1
374 // path to write the snapshots to
375 bfs::path _snapshots_dir;
377 void consider_new_watermark( account_name producer, uint32_t block_num, block_timestamp_type timestamp) {
378 auto itr = _producer_watermarks.find( producer );
379 if( itr != _producer_watermarks.end() ) {
380 itr->second.first = std::max( itr->second.first, block_num );
381 itr->second.second = std::max( itr->second.second, timestamp );
382 } else if( _producers.count( producer ) > 0 ) {
383 _producer_watermarks.emplace( producer, std::make_pair(block_num, timestamp) );
384 }
385 }
387 std::optional<producer_watermark> get_watermark( account_name producer ) const {
388 auto itr = _producer_watermarks.find( producer );
390 if( itr == _producer_watermarks.end() ) return {};
392 return itr->second;
393 }
395 void on_block( const block_state_ptr& bsp ) {
396 auto before = _unapplied_transactions.size();
399 fc_dlog( _log, "Removed applied transactions before: ${before}, after: ${after}",
400 ("before", before)("after", _unapplied_transactions.size()) );
401 }
403 void on_block_header( const block_state_ptr& bsp ) {
404 consider_new_watermark( bsp->header.producer, bsp->block_num, bsp->block->timestamp );
405 }
408 _irreversible_block_time = lib->timestamp.to_time_point();
409 const chain::controller& chain = chain_plug->chain();
411 // promote any pending snapshots
412 auto& snapshots_by_height = _pending_snapshot_index.get<by_height>();
413 uint32_t lib_height = lib->block_num();
415 while (!snapshots_by_height.empty() && snapshots_by_height.begin()->get_height() <= lib_height) {
416 const auto& pending = snapshots_by_height.begin();
417 auto next = pending->next;
419 try {
420 next(pending->finalize(chain));
421 } CATCH_AND_CALL(next);
423 snapshots_by_height.erase(snapshots_by_height.begin());
424 }
425 }
427 void abort_block() {
428 auto& chain = chain_plug->chain();
430 _unapplied_transactions.add_aborted( chain.abort_block() );
432 }
434 bool on_incoming_block(const signed_block_ptr& block, const std::optional<block_id_type>& block_id, const block_state_ptr& bsp) {
435 auto& chain = chain_plug->chain();
437 fc_wlog( _log, "dropped incoming block #${num} id: ${id}",
438 ("num", block->block_num())("id", block_id ? (*block_id).str() : "UNKNOWN") );
439 return false;
440 }
442 // start a new speculative block, speculative start_block may have been interrupted
443 auto ensure = fc::make_scoped_exit([this](){
445 });
447 const auto& id = block_id ? *block_id : block->calculate_id();
448 auto blk_num = block->block_num();
450 fc_dlog(_log, "received incoming block ${n} ${id}", ("n", blk_num)("id", id));
452 SYS_ASSERT( block->timestamp < (fc::time_point::now() + fc::seconds( 7 )), block_from_the_future,
453 "received a block from the future, ignoring it: ${id}", ("id", id) );
455 /* de-dupe here... no point in aborting block if we already know the block */
456 auto existing = chain.fetch_block_by_id( id );
457 if( existing ) { return false; }
459 // start processing of block
460 std::future<block_state_ptr> bsf;
461 if( !bsp ) {
462 bsf = chain.create_block_state_future( id, block );
463 }
465 // abort the pending block
466 abort_block();
468 // push the new block
469 auto handle_error = [&](const auto& e)
470 {
471 elog((e.to_detail_string()));
473 throw;
474 };
476 try {
477 const block_state_ptr& bspr = bsp ? bsp : bsf.get();
478 chain.push_block( bspr, [this]( const branch_type& forked_branch ) {
479 _unapplied_transactions.add_forked( forked_branch );
480 }, [this]( const transaction_id_type& id ) {
481 return _unapplied_transactions.get_trx( id );
482 } );
483 } catch ( const guard_exception& e ) {
485 return false;
486 } catch ( const std::bad_alloc& ) {
488 } catch ( boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) {
490 } catch ( const fork_database_exception& e ) {
491 elog("Cannot recover from ${e}. Shutting down.", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));
492 appbase::app().quit();
493 } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
494 handle_error(e);
495 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
497 }
499 const auto& hbs = chain.head_block_state();
500 if( hbs->header.timestamp.next().to_time_point() >= fc::time_point::now() ) {
501 _production_enabled = true;
502 }
504 if( fc::time_point::now() - block->timestamp < fc::minutes(5) || (blk_num % 1000 == 0) ) {
505 ilog("Received block ${id}... #${n} @ ${t} signed by ${p} [trxs: ${count}, lib: ${lib}, conf: ${confs}, latency: ${latency} ms]",
506 ("p",block->producer)("id",id.str().substr(8,16))("n",blk_num)("t",block->timestamp)
507 ("count",block->transactions.size())("lib",chain.last_irreversible_block_num())
508 ("confs", block->confirmed)("latency", (fc::time_point::now() - block->timestamp).count()/1000 ) );
509 if( chain.get_read_mode() != db_read_mode::IRREVERSIBLE && hbs->id != id && hbs->block != nullptr ) { // not applied to head
510 ilog("Block not applied to head ${id}... #${n} @ ${t} signed by ${p} [trxs: ${count}, dpos: ${dpos}, conf: ${confs}, latency: ${latency} ms]",
511 ("p",hbs->block->producer)("id",hbs->id.str().substr(8,16))("n",hbs->block_num)("t",hbs->block->timestamp)
512 ("count",hbs->block->transactions.size())("dpos", hbs->dpos_irreversible_blocknum)
513 ("confs", hbs->block->confirmed)("latency", (fc::time_point::now() - hbs->block->timestamp).count()/1000 ) );
514 }
515 }
517 return true;
518 }
522 // abort the pending block
526 }
529 bool persist_until_expired,
530 bool read_only,
531 bool return_failure_traces,
534 const auto max_trx_time_ms = _max_transaction_time_ms.load();
535 fc::microseconds max_trx_cpu_usage = max_trx_time_ms < 0 ? fc::microseconds::maximum() : fc::milliseconds( max_trx_time_ms );
537 auto future = transaction_metadata::start_recover_keys( trx, _thread_pool->get_executor(),
538 chain.get_chain_id(), fc::microseconds( max_trx_cpu_usage ),
539 read_only ? transaction_metadata::trx_type::read_only : transaction_metadata::trx_type::input,
542 boost::asio::post(_thread_pool->get_executor(), [self = this, future{std::move(future)}, persist_until_expired, return_failure_traces,
543 next{std::move(next)}, trx]() mutable {
544 if( future.valid() ) {
545 future.wait();
546 app().post( priority::low, [self, future{std::move(future)}, persist_until_expired, next{std::move( next )}, trx{std::move(trx)}, return_failure_traces]() mutable {
547 auto exception_handler = [self, &next, trx{std::move(trx)}](fc::exception_ptr ex) {
548 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${txid}, auth: ${a} : ${why} ",
549 ("txid", trx->id())("a",trx->get_transaction().first_authorizer())("why",ex->what()));
550 next(ex);
552 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${entire_trx}",
553 ("entire_trx", self->chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->get_transaction())));
554 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${trx}",
555 ("trx", self->chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->get_transaction())));
556 };
557 try {
558 auto result = future.get();
559 if( !self->process_incoming_transaction_async( result, persist_until_expired, return_failure_traces, next) ) {
560 if( self->_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing ) {
561 self->schedule_maybe_produce_block( true );
562 } else {
563 self->restart_speculative_block();
564 }
565 }
566 } CATCH_AND_CALL(exception_handler);
567 } );
568 }
569 });
570 }
573 bool persist_until_expired,
574 bool return_failure_traces,
576 bool exhausted = false;
577 chain::controller& chain = chain_plug->chain();
579 auto send_response = [this, &trx, &chain, &next](const std::variant<fc::exception_ptr, transaction_trace_ptr>& response) {
580 next(response);
582 auto get_trace = [&](const std::variant<fc::exception_ptr, transaction_trace_ptr>& response) -> fc::variant {
583 if (std::holds_alternative<fc::exception_ptr>(response)) {
584 return fc::variant{std::get<fc::exception_ptr>(response)};
585 } else {
586 return chain_plug->get_log_trx_trace( std::get<transaction_trace_ptr>(response) );
587 }
589 };
591 fc::exception_ptr except_ptr; // rejected
592 if (std::holds_alternative<fc::exception_ptr>(response)) {
593 except_ptr = std::get<fc::exception_ptr>(response);
594 } else if (std::get<transaction_trace_ptr>(response)->except) {
595 except_ptr = std::get<transaction_trace_ptr>(response)->except->dynamic_copy_exception();
596 }
598 if (!trx->read_only) {
599 _transaction_ack_channel.publish(priority::low, std::pair<fc::exception_ptr, packed_transaction_ptr>(except_ptr, trx->packed_trx()));
600 }
602 if (except_ptr) {
603 if (_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
604 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is REJECTING tx: ${txid}, auth: ${a} : ${why} ",
605 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)
606 ("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
607 ("txid", trx->id())
608 ("a", trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer())
609 ("why", except_ptr->what()));
610 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is REJECTING tx: ${trx}",
611 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
612 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction())));
613 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is REJECTING tx: ${entire_trace}",
614 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
615 ("entire_trace", get_trace(response)));
616 } else {
617 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${txid}, auth: ${a} : ${why} ",
618 ("txid", trx->id())
619 ("a", trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer())
620 ("why", except_ptr->what()));
621 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${trx} ",
622 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction())));
623 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${entire_trace} ",
624 ("entire_trace", get_trace(response)));
625 }
626 } else {
627 if (_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
628 fc_dlog(_trx_successful_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is ACCEPTING tx: ${txid}, auth: ${a}, cpu: ${cpu}",
629 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)
630 ("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
631 ("txid", trx->id())
632 ("a", trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer())
633 ("cpu", trx->billed_cpu_time_us));
634 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is ACCEPTING tx: ${trx}",
635 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
636 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction())));
637 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_success_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is ACCEPTING tx: ${entire_trace}",
638 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
639 ("entire_trace", get_trace(response)));
640 } else {
641 fc_dlog(_trx_successful_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is ACCEPTING tx: ${txid}, auth: ${a}, cpu: ${cpu}",
642 ("txid", trx->id())
643 ("a", trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer())
644 ("cpu", trx->billed_cpu_time_us));
645 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_success_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is ACCEPTING tx: ${entire_trace}",
646 ("entire_trace", get_trace(response)));
647 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is ACCEPTING tx: ${trx}",
648 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction())));
649 }
650 }
651 };
653 try {
654 const auto& id = trx->id();
657 const fc::time_point expire = trx->packed_trx()->expiration();
658 if( expire < bt ) {
659 send_response( std::static_pointer_cast<fc::exception>(
660 std::make_shared<expired_tx_exception>(
661 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, "expired transaction ${id}, expiration ${e}, block time ${bt}",
662 ("id", id)("e", expire)( "bt", bt )))));
663 return true;
664 }
666 if( chain.is_known_unexpired_transaction( id )) {
667 send_response( std::static_pointer_cast<fc::exception>( std::make_shared<tx_duplicate>(
668 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, "duplicate transaction ${id}", ("id", id)))) );
669 return true;
670 }
672 if( !chain.is_building_block()) {
673 _unapplied_transactions.add_incoming( trx, persist_until_expired, return_failure_traces, next );
674 return true;
675 }
677 auto first_auth = trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer();
678 if( _account_fails.failure_limit( first_auth ) ) {
679 send_response( std::static_pointer_cast<fc::exception>( std::make_shared<tx_cpu_usage_exceeded>(
680 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, "transaction ${id} exceeded failure limit for account ${a}",
681 ("id", trx->id())("a", first_auth) ) ) ) );
682 return true;
683 }
685 auto start = fc::time_point::now();
686 fc::microseconds max_trx_time = fc::milliseconds( _max_transaction_time_ms.load() );
687 if( max_trx_time.count() < 0 ) max_trx_time = fc::microseconds::maximum();
688 const auto block_deadline = calculate_block_deadline( chain.pending_block_time() );
690 bool disable_subjective_billing = ( _pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing )
691 || ( persist_until_expired && _disable_subjective_api_billing )
692 || ( !persist_until_expired && _disable_subjective_p2p_billing )
693 || trx->read_only;
695 int64_t sub_bill = 0;
696 if( !disable_subjective_billing )
697 sub_bill = _subjective_billing.get_subjective_bill( first_auth, fc::time_point::now() );
699 auto prev_billed_cpu_time_us = trx->billed_cpu_time_us;
700 auto trace = chain.push_transaction( trx, block_deadline, max_trx_time, prev_billed_cpu_time_us, false, sub_bill );
701 fc_dlog( _trx_failed_trace_log, "Subjective bill for ${a}: ${b} elapsed ${t}us", ("a",first_auth)("b",sub_bill)("t",trace->elapsed));
702 if( trace->except ) {
703 if( exception_is_exhausted( *trace->except ) ) {
704 _unapplied_transactions.add_incoming( trx, persist_until_expired, return_failure_traces, next );
705 if( _pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing ) {
706 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} COULD NOT FIT, tx: ${txid} RETRYING ",
707 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)
708 ("prod", get_pending_block_producer())
709 ("txid", trx->id()));
710 } else {
711 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution COULD NOT FIT tx: ${txid} RETRYING",
712 ("txid", trx->id()));
713 }
714 exhausted = block_is_exhausted();
715 } else {
716 if (!disable_subjective_billing)
717 _subjective_billing.subjective_bill_failure( first_auth, trace->elapsed, fc::time_point::now() );
719 if( _pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing ) {
720 auto failure_code = trace->except->code();
721 if( failure_code != tx_duplicate::code_value ) {
722 // this failed our configured maximum transaction time, we don't want to replay it
723 fc_dlog( _log, "Failed ${c} trx, prev billed: ${p}us, ran: ${r}us, id: ${id}",
724 ("c", trace->except->code())( "p", prev_billed_cpu_time_us )
725 ( "r", fc::time_point::now() - start )( "id", trx->id() ) );
726 _account_fails.add( first_auth, failure_code );
727 }
728 }
729 if( return_failure_traces ) {
730 send_response( trace );
731 } else {
732 auto e_ptr = trace->except->dynamic_copy_exception();
733 send_response( e_ptr );
734 }
735 }
736 } else {
737 if( persist_until_expired && !_disable_persist_until_expired ) {
738 // if this trx didnt fail/soft-fail and the persist flag is set, store its ID so that we can
739 // ensure its applied to all future speculative blocks as well.
740 // No need to subjective bill since it will be re-applied
741 _unapplied_transactions.add_persisted( trx );
742 } else {
743 // if db_read_mode SPECULATIVE then trx is in the pending block and not immediately reverted
744 if (!disable_subjective_billing)
745 _subjective_billing.subjective_bill( trx->id(), expire, first_auth, trace->elapsed,
747 }
748 send_response( trace );
749 }
751 } catch ( const guard_exception& e ) {
753 } catch ( boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) {
755 } catch ( std::bad_alloc& ) {
757 } CATCH_AND_CALL(send_response);
759 return !exhausted;
760 }
764 auto now = fc::time_point::now();
765 if (now < _irreversible_block_time) {
766 return fc::microseconds(0);
767 } else {
768 return now - _irreversible_block_time;
769 }
770 }
773 auto& chain = chain_plug->chain();
774 if (chain.is_building_block()) {
775 return chain.pending_block_producer();
776 } else {
777 return {};
778 }
779 }
782 return !_production_enabled || _pause_production || (_max_irreversible_block_age_us.count() >= 0 && get_irreversible_block_age() >= _max_irreversible_block_age_us);
783 }
786 succeeded,
787 failed,
788 waiting_for_block,
789 waiting_for_production,
790 exhausted
791 };
793 inline bool should_interrupt_start_block( const fc::time_point& deadline ) const;
794 start_block_result start_block();
796 fc::time_point calculate_pending_block_time() const;
797 fc::time_point calculate_block_deadline( const fc::time_point& ) const;
798 void schedule_delayed_production_loop(const std::weak_ptr<producer_plugin_impl>& weak_this, std::optional<fc::time_point> wake_up_time);
799 std::optional<fc::time_point> calculate_producer_wake_up_time( const block_timestamp_type& ref_block_time ) const;
805 std::cerr << "\n"
806 "*******************************\n"
807 "* *\n"
808 "* ------ NEW CHAIN ------ *\n"
809 "* - Welcome to SYSIO! - *\n"
810 "* ----------------------- *\n"
811 "* *\n"
812 "*******************************\n"
813 "\n";
815 if( db.head_block_state()->header.timestamp.to_time_point() < (fc::time_point::now() - fc::milliseconds(200 * config::block_interval_ms)))
816 {
817 std::cerr << "Your genesis seems to have an old timestamp\n"
818 "Please consider using the --genesis-timestamp option to give your genesis a recent timestamp\n"
819 "\n"
820 ;
821 }
822 return;
826 : my(new producer_plugin_impl(app().get_io_service())){
827 }
832 boost::program_options::options_description& command_line_options,
833 boost::program_options::options_description& config_file_options)
835 auto default_priv_key = private_key_type::regenerate<fc::ecc::private_key_shim>(fc::sha256::hash(std::string("nathan")));
836 auto private_key_default = std::make_pair(default_priv_key.get_public_key(), default_priv_key );
838 boost::program_options::options_description producer_options;
840 producer_options.add_options()
841 ("enable-stale-production,e", boost::program_options::bool_switch()->notifier([this](bool e){my->_production_enabled = e;}), "Enable block production, even if the chain is stale.")
842 ("pause-on-startup,x", boost::program_options::bool_switch()->notifier([this](bool p){my->_pause_production = p;}), "Start this node in a state where production is paused")
843 ("max-transaction-time", bpo::value<int32_t>()->default_value(30),
844 "Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowed a pushed transaction's code to execute before being considered invalid")
845 ("max-irreversible-block-age", bpo::value<int32_t>()->default_value( -1 ),
846 "Limits the maximum age (in seconds) of the DPOS Irreversible Block for a chain this node will produce blocks on (use negative value to indicate unlimited)")
847 ("producer-name,p", boost::program_options::value<vector<string>>()->composing()->multitoken(),
848 "ID of producer controlled by this node (e.g. inita; may specify multiple times)")
849 ("private-key", boost::program_options::value<vector<string>>()->composing()->multitoken(),
850 "(DEPRECATED - Use signature-provider instead) Tuple of [public key, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times)")
851 ("signature-provider", boost::program_options::value<vector<string>>()->composing()->multitoken()->default_value(
852 {default_priv_key.get_public_key().to_string() + "=KEY:" + default_priv_key.to_string()},
853 default_priv_key.get_public_key().to_string() + "=KEY:" + default_priv_key.to_string()),
854 "Key=Value pairs in the form <public-key>=<provider-spec>\n"
855 "Where:\n"
856 " <public-key> \tis a string form of a vaild SYSIO public key\n\n"
857 " <provider-spec> \tis a string in the form <provider-type>:<data>\n\n"
858 " <provider-type> \tis KEY, or KSYSD\n\n"
859 " KEY:<data> \tis a string form of a valid SYSIO private key which maps to the provided public key\n\n"
860 " KSYSD:<data> \tis the URL where kiod is available and the approptiate wallet(s) are unlocked")
861 ("kiod-provider-timeout", boost::program_options::value<int32_t>()->default_value(5),
862 "Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowed for sending blocks to a kiod provider for signing")
863 ("greylist-account", boost::program_options::value<vector<string>>()->composing()->multitoken(),
864 "account that can not access to extended CPU/NET virtual resources")
865 ("greylist-limit", boost::program_options::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(1000),
866 "Limit (between 1 and 1000) on the multiple that CPU/NET virtual resources can extend during low usage (only enforced subjectively; use 1000 to not enforce any limit)")
867 ("produce-time-offset-us", boost::program_options::value<int32_t>()->default_value(0),
868 "Offset of non last block producing time in microseconds. Valid range 0 .. -block_time_interval.")
869 ("last-block-time-offset-us", boost::program_options::value<int32_t>()->default_value(-200000),
870 "Offset of last block producing time in microseconds. Valid range 0 .. -block_time_interval.")
871 ("cpu-effort-percent", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(config::default_block_cpu_effort_pct / config::percent_1),
872 "Percentage of cpu block production time used to produce block. Whole number percentages, e.g. 80 for 80%")
873 ("last-block-cpu-effort-percent", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(config::default_block_cpu_effort_pct / config::percent_1),
874 "Percentage of cpu block production time used to produce last block. Whole number percentages, e.g. 80 for 80%")
875 ("max-block-cpu-usage-threshold-us", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value( 5000 ),
876 "Threshold of CPU block production to consider block full; when within threshold of max-block-cpu-usage block can be produced immediately")
877 ("max-block-net-usage-threshold-bytes", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value( 1024 ),
878 "Threshold of NET block production to consider block full; when within threshold of max-block-net-usage block can be produced immediately")
879 ("max-scheduled-transaction-time-per-block-ms", boost::program_options::value<int32_t>()->default_value(100),
880 "Maximum wall-clock time, in milliseconds, spent retiring scheduled transactions in any block before returning to normal transaction processing.")
881 ("subjective-cpu-leeway-us", boost::program_options::value<int32_t>()->default_value( config::default_subjective_cpu_leeway_us ),
882 "Time in microseconds allowed for a transaction that starts with insufficient CPU quota to complete and cover its CPU usage.")
883 ("subjective-account-max-failures", boost::program_options::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(3),
884 "Sets the maximum amount of failures that are allowed for a given account per block.")
885 ("subjective-account-decay-time-minutes", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value( config::account_cpu_usage_average_window_ms / 1000 / 60 ),
886 "Sets the time to return full subjective cpu for accounts")
887 ("incoming-defer-ratio", bpo::value<double>()->default_value(1.0),
888 "ratio between incoming transactions and deferred transactions when both are queued for execution")
889 ("incoming-transaction-queue-size-mb", bpo::value<uint16_t>()->default_value( 1024 ),
890 "Maximum size (in MiB) of the incoming transaction queue. Exceeding this value will subjectively drop transaction with resource exhaustion.")
891 ("disable-api-persisted-trx", bpo::bool_switch()->default_value(false),
892 "Disable the re-apply of API transactions.")
893 ("disable-subjective-billing", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
894 "Disable subjective CPU billing for API/P2P transactions")
895 ("disable-subjective-account-billing", boost::program_options::value<vector<string>>()->composing()->multitoken(),
896 "Account which is excluded from subjective CPU billing")
897 ("disable-subjective-p2p-billing", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
898 "Disable subjective CPU billing for P2P transactions")
899 ("disable-subjective-api-billing", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
900 "Disable subjective CPU billing for API transactions")
901 ("producer-threads", bpo::value<uint16_t>()->default_value(config::default_controller_thread_pool_size),
902 "Number of worker threads in producer thread pool")
903 ("snapshots-dir", bpo::value<bfs::path>()->default_value("snapshots"),
904 "the location of the snapshots directory (absolute path or relative to application data dir)")
905 ;
906 config_file_options.add(producer_options);
911 auto private_key_itr = my->_signature_providers.find(key);
912 if(private_key_itr != my->_signature_providers.end())
913 return true;
914 return false;
919 return my->_subjective_billing.get_subjective_bill( first_auth, now );
924 if(key != chain::public_key_type()) {
925 auto private_key_itr = my->_signature_providers.find(key);
926 SYS_ASSERT(private_key_itr != my->_signature_providers.end(), producer_priv_key_not_found, "Local producer has no private key in config.ini corresponding to public key ${key}", ("key", key));
928 return private_key_itr->second(digest);
929 }
930 else {
931 return chain::signature_type();
932 }
935template<typename T>
936T dejsonify(const string& s) {
937 return fc::json::from_string(s).as<T>();
940#define LOAD_VALUE_SET(options, op_name, container) \
941if( options.count(op_name) ) { \
942 const std::vector<std::string>& ops = options[op_name].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); \
943 for( const auto& v : ops ) { \
944 container.emplace( sysio::chain::name( v ) ); \
945 } \
949make_key_signature_provider(const private_key_type& key) {
950 return [key]( const chain::digest_type& digest ) {
951 return key.sign(digest);
952 };
956make_kiod_signature_provider(const std::shared_ptr<producer_plugin_impl>& impl, const string& url_str, const public_key_type pubkey) {
957 fc::url kiod_url;
958 if(boost::algorithm::starts_with(url_str, "unix://"))
959 //send the entire string after unix:// to http_plugin. It'll auto-detect which part
960 // is the unix socket path, and which part is the url to hit on the server
961 kiod_url = fc::url("unix", url_str.substr(7), ostring(), ostring(), ostring(), ostring(), ovariant_object(), std::optional<uint16_t>());
962 else
963 kiod_url = fc::url(url_str);
964 std::weak_ptr<producer_plugin_impl> weak_impl = impl;
966 return [weak_impl, kiod_url, pubkey]( const chain::digest_type& digest ) {
967 auto impl = weak_impl.lock();
968 if (impl) {
970 fc::to_variant(std::make_pair(digest, pubkey), params);
971 auto deadline = impl->_kiod_provider_timeout_us.count() >= 0 ? fc::time_point::now() + impl->_kiod_provider_timeout_us : fc::time_point::maximum();
972 return app().get_plugin<http_client_plugin>().get_client().post_sync(kiod_url, params, deadline).as<chain::signature_type>();
973 } else {
974 return signature_type();
975 }
976 };
979void producer_plugin::plugin_initialize(const boost::program_options::variables_map& options)
980{ try {
981 my->chain_plug = app().find_plugin<chain_plugin>();
982 SYS_ASSERT( my->chain_plug, plugin_config_exception, "chain_plugin not found" );
983 my->_options = &options;
984 LOAD_VALUE_SET(options, "producer-name", my->_producers)
986 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
988 if( options.count("private-key") )
989 {
990 const std::vector<std::string> key_id_to_wif_pair_strings = options["private-key"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
991 for (const std::string& key_id_to_wif_pair_string : key_id_to_wif_pair_strings)
992 {
993 try {
994 auto key_id_to_wif_pair = dejsonify<std::pair<public_key_type, private_key_type>>(key_id_to_wif_pair_string);
995 my->_signature_providers[key_id_to_wif_pair.first] = make_key_signature_provider(key_id_to_wif_pair.second);
996 auto blanked_privkey = std::string(key_id_to_wif_pair.second.to_string().size(), '*' );
997 wlog("\"private-key\" is DEPRECATED, use \"signature-provider=${pub}=KEY:${priv}\"", ("pub",key_id_to_wif_pair.first)("priv", blanked_privkey));
998 } catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
999 elog("Malformed private key pair");
1000 }
1001 }
1002 }
1004 if( options.count("signature-provider") ) {
1005 const std::vector<std::string> key_spec_pairs = options["signature-provider"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
1006 for (const auto& key_spec_pair : key_spec_pairs) {
1007 try {
1008 auto delim = key_spec_pair.find("=");
1009 SYS_ASSERT(delim != std::string::npos, plugin_config_exception, "Missing \"=\" in the key spec pair");
1010 auto pub_key_str = key_spec_pair.substr(0, delim);
1011 auto spec_str = key_spec_pair.substr(delim + 1);
1013 auto spec_delim = spec_str.find(":");
1014 SYS_ASSERT(spec_delim != std::string::npos, plugin_config_exception, "Missing \":\" in the key spec pair");
1015 auto spec_type_str = spec_str.substr(0, spec_delim);
1016 auto spec_data = spec_str.substr(spec_delim + 1);
1018 auto pubkey = public_key_type(pub_key_str);
1020 if (spec_type_str == "KEY") {
1021 my->_signature_providers[pubkey] = make_key_signature_provider(private_key_type(spec_data));
1022 } else if (spec_type_str == "KSYSD") {
1023 my->_signature_providers[pubkey] = make_kiod_signature_provider(my, spec_data, pubkey);
1024 }
1026 } catch (...) {
1027 elog("Malformed signature provider: \"${val}\", ignoring!", ("val", key_spec_pair));
1028 }
1029 }
1030 }
1032 my->_kiod_provider_timeout_us = fc::milliseconds(options.at("kiod-provider-timeout").as<int32_t>());
1034 my->_account_fails.set_max_failures_per_account( options.at("subjective-account-max-failures").as<uint32_t>() );
1036 my->_produce_time_offset_us = options.at("produce-time-offset-us").as<int32_t>();
1037 SYS_ASSERT( my->_produce_time_offset_us <= 0 && my->_produce_time_offset_us >= -config::block_interval_us, plugin_config_exception,
1038 "produce-time-offset-us ${o} must be 0 .. -${bi}", ("bi", config::block_interval_us)("o", my->_produce_time_offset_us) );
1040 my->_last_block_time_offset_us = options.at("last-block-time-offset-us").as<int32_t>();
1041 SYS_ASSERT( my->_last_block_time_offset_us <= 0 && my->_last_block_time_offset_us >= -config::block_interval_us, plugin_config_exception,
1042 "last-block-time-offset-us ${o} must be 0 .. -${bi}", ("bi", config::block_interval_us)("o", my->_last_block_time_offset_us) );
1044 uint32_t cpu_effort_pct = options.at("cpu-effort-percent").as<uint32_t>();
1045 SYS_ASSERT( cpu_effort_pct >= 0 && cpu_effort_pct <= 100, plugin_config_exception,
1046 "cpu-effort-percent ${pct} must be 0 - 100", ("pct", cpu_effort_pct) );
1047 cpu_effort_pct *= config::percent_1;
1048 int32_t cpu_effort_offset_us =
1049 -SYS_PERCENT( config::block_interval_us, chain::config::percent_100 - cpu_effort_pct );
1051 uint32_t last_block_cpu_effort_pct = options.at("last-block-cpu-effort-percent").as<uint32_t>();
1052 SYS_ASSERT( last_block_cpu_effort_pct >= 0 && last_block_cpu_effort_pct <= 100, plugin_config_exception,
1053 "last-block-cpu-effort-percent ${pct} must be 0 - 100", ("pct", last_block_cpu_effort_pct) );
1054 last_block_cpu_effort_pct *= config::percent_1;
1055 int32_t last_block_cpu_effort_offset_us =
1056 -SYS_PERCENT( config::block_interval_us, chain::config::percent_100 - last_block_cpu_effort_pct );
1058 my->_produce_time_offset_us = std::min( my->_produce_time_offset_us, cpu_effort_offset_us );
1059 my->_last_block_time_offset_us = std::min( my->_last_block_time_offset_us, last_block_cpu_effort_offset_us );
1061 my->_max_block_cpu_usage_threshold_us = options.at( "max-block-cpu-usage-threshold-us" ).as<uint32_t>();
1062 SYS_ASSERT( my->_max_block_cpu_usage_threshold_us < config::block_interval_us, plugin_config_exception,
1063 "max-block-cpu-usage-threshold-us ${t} must be 0 .. ${bi}", ("bi", config::block_interval_us)("t", my->_max_block_cpu_usage_threshold_us) );
1065 my->_max_block_net_usage_threshold_bytes = options.at( "max-block-net-usage-threshold-bytes" ).as<uint32_t>();
1067 my->_max_scheduled_transaction_time_per_block_ms = options.at("max-scheduled-transaction-time-per-block-ms").as<int32_t>();
1069 if( options.at( "subjective-cpu-leeway-us" ).as<int32_t>() != config::default_subjective_cpu_leeway_us ) {
1070 chain.set_subjective_cpu_leeway( fc::microseconds( options.at( "subjective-cpu-leeway-us" ).as<int32_t>() ) );
1071 }
1073 fc::microseconds subjective_account_decay_time = fc::minutes(options.at( "subjective-account-decay-time-minutes" ).as<uint32_t>());
1074 SYS_ASSERT( subjective_account_decay_time.count() > 0, plugin_config_exception,
1075 "subjective-account-decay-time-minutes ${dt} must be greater than 0", ("dt", subjective_account_decay_time.to_seconds() / 60));
1076 my->_subjective_billing.set_expired_accumulator_average_window( subjective_account_decay_time );
1078 my->_max_transaction_time_ms = options.at("max-transaction-time").as<int32_t>();
1080 my->_max_irreversible_block_age_us = fc::seconds(options.at("max-irreversible-block-age").as<int32_t>());
1082 auto max_incoming_transaction_queue_size = options.at("incoming-transaction-queue-size-mb").as<uint16_t>() * 1024*1024;
1084 SYS_ASSERT( max_incoming_transaction_queue_size > 0, plugin_config_exception,
1085 "incoming-transaction-queue-size-mb ${mb} must be greater than 0", ("mb", max_incoming_transaction_queue_size) );
1087 my->_unapplied_transactions.set_max_transaction_queue_size( max_incoming_transaction_queue_size );
1089 my->_incoming_defer_ratio = options.at("incoming-defer-ratio").as<double>();
1091 my->_disable_persist_until_expired = options.at("disable-api-persisted-trx").as<bool>();
1092 bool disable_subjective_billing = options.at("disable-subjective-billing").as<bool>();
1093 my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing = options.at("disable-subjective-p2p-billing").as<bool>();
1094 my->_disable_subjective_api_billing = options.at("disable-subjective-api-billing").as<bool>();
1095 dlog( "disable-subjective-billing: ${s}, disable-subjective-p2p-billing: ${p2p}, disable-subjective-api-billing: ${api}",
1096 ("s", disable_subjective_billing)("p2p", my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing)("api", my->_disable_subjective_api_billing) );
1097 if( !disable_subjective_billing ) {
1098 my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing = my->_disable_subjective_api_billing = false;
1099 } else if( !my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing || !my->_disable_subjective_api_billing ) {
1100 disable_subjective_billing = false;
1101 }
1102 if( disable_subjective_billing ) {
1103 my->_subjective_billing.disable();
1104 ilog( "Subjective CPU billing disabled" );
1105 } else if( !my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing && !my->_disable_subjective_api_billing ) {
1106 ilog( "Subjective CPU billing enabled" );
1107 } else {
1108 if( my->_disable_subjective_p2p_billing ) ilog( "Subjective CPU billing of P2P trxs disabled " );
1109 if( my->_disable_subjective_api_billing ) ilog( "Subjective CPU billing of API trxs disabled " );
1110 }
1112 auto thread_pool_size = options.at( "producer-threads" ).as<uint16_t>();
1113 SYS_ASSERT( thread_pool_size > 0, plugin_config_exception,
1114 "producer-threads ${num} must be greater than 0", ("num", thread_pool_size));
1115 my->_thread_pool.emplace( "prod", thread_pool_size );
1117 if( options.count( "snapshots-dir" )) {
1118 auto sd = options.at( "snapshots-dir" ).as<bfs::path>();
1119 if( sd.is_relative()) {
1120 my->_snapshots_dir = app().data_dir() / sd;
1121 if (!fc::exists(my->_snapshots_dir)) {
1122 fc::create_directories(my->_snapshots_dir);
1123 }
1124 } else {
1125 my->_snapshots_dir = sd;
1126 }
1128 SYS_ASSERT( fc::is_directory(my->_snapshots_dir), snapshot_directory_not_found_exception,
1129 "No such directory '${dir}'", ("dir", my->_snapshots_dir.generic_string()) );
1131 if (auto resmon_plugin = app().find_plugin<resource_monitor_plugin>()) {
1132 resmon_plugin->monitor_directory(my->_snapshots_dir);
1133 }
1134 }
1136 my->_incoming_block_sync_provider = app().get_method<incoming::methods::block_sync>().register_provider(
1137 [this](const signed_block_ptr& block, const std::optional<block_id_type>& block_id, const block_state_ptr& bsp) {
1138 return my->on_incoming_block(block, block_id, bsp);
1139 });
1141 my->_incoming_transaction_async_provider = app().get_method<incoming::methods::transaction_async>().register_provider(
1142 [this](const packed_transaction_ptr& trx, bool persist_until_expired, bool read_only, bool return_failure_traces, next_function<transaction_trace_ptr> next) -> void {
1143 return my->on_incoming_transaction_async(trx, persist_until_expired, read_only, return_failure_traces, next );
1144 });
1146 if (options.count("greylist-account")) {
1147 std::vector<std::string> greylist = options["greylist-account"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
1148 greylist_params param;
1149 for (auto &a : greylist) {
1150 param.accounts.push_back(account_name(a));
1151 }
1152 add_greylist_accounts(param);
1153 }
1155 {
1156 uint32_t greylist_limit = options.at("greylist-limit").as<uint32_t>();
1157 chain.set_greylist_limit( greylist_limit );
1158 }
1160 if( options.count("disable-subjective-account-billing") ) {
1161 std::vector<std::string> accounts = options["disable-subjective-account-billing"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
1162 for( const auto& a : accounts ) {
1163 my->_subjective_billing.disable_account( account_name(a) );
1164 }
1165 }
1170{ try {
1171 handle_sighup(); // Sets loggers
1173 try {
1174 ilog("producer plugin: plugin_startup() begin");
1176 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1177 SYS_ASSERT( my->_producers.empty() || chain.get_read_mode() == chain::db_read_mode::SPECULATIVE, plugin_config_exception,
1178 "node cannot have any producer-name configured because block production is impossible when read_mode is not \"speculative\"" );
1180 SYS_ASSERT( my->_producers.empty() || chain.get_validation_mode() == chain::validation_mode::FULL, plugin_config_exception,
1181 "node cannot have any producer-name configured because block production is not safe when validation_mode is not \"full\"" );
1183 SYS_ASSERT( my->_producers.empty() || my->chain_plug->accept_transactions(), plugin_config_exception,
1184 "node cannot have any producer-name configured because no block production is possible with no [api|p2p]-accepted-transactions" );
1186 my->_accepted_block_connection.emplace(chain.accepted_block.connect( [this]( const auto& bsp ){ my->on_block( bsp ); } ));
1187 my->_accepted_block_header_connection.emplace(chain.accepted_block_header.connect( [this]( const auto& bsp ){ my->on_block_header( bsp ); } ));
1188 my->_irreversible_block_connection.emplace(chain.irreversible_block.connect( [this]( const auto& bsp ){ my->on_irreversible_block( bsp->block ); } ));
1190 const auto lib_num = chain.last_irreversible_block_num();
1191 const auto lib = chain.fetch_block_by_number(lib_num);
1192 if (lib) {
1193 my->on_irreversible_block(lib);
1194 } else {
1195 my->_irreversible_block_time = fc::time_point::maximum();
1196 }
1198 if (!my->_producers.empty()) {
1199 ilog("Launching block production for ${n} producers at ${time}.", ("n", my->_producers.size())("time",fc::time_point::now()));
1201 if (my->_production_enabled) {
1202 if (chain.head_block_num() == 0) {
1203 new_chain_banner(chain);
1204 }
1205 }
1206 }
1208 my->schedule_production_loop();
1210 ilog("producer plugin: plugin_startup() end");
1211 } catch( ... ) {
1212 // always call plugin_shutdown, even on exception
1214 throw;
1215 }
1219 try {
1220 my->_timer.cancel();
1221 } catch ( const std::bad_alloc& ) {
1223 } catch ( const boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) {
1225 } catch(const fc::exception& e) {
1226 edump((e.to_detail_string()));
1227 } catch(const std::exception& e) {
1229 }
1231 if( my->_thread_pool ) {
1232 my->_thread_pool->stop();
1233 }
1235 app().post( 0, [me = my](){} ); // keep my pointer alive until queue is drained
1236 fc_ilog(_log, "exit shutdown");
1249 fc_ilog(_log, "Producer paused.");
1250 my->_pause_production = true;
1254 my->_pause_production = false;
1255 // it is possible that we are only speculating because of this policy which we have now changed
1256 // re-evaluate that now
1257 //
1258 if (my->_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::speculating) {
1259 my->abort_block();
1260 fc_ilog(_log, "Producer resumed. Scheduling production.");
1261 my->schedule_production_loop();
1262 } else {
1263 fc_ilog(_log, "Producer resumed.");
1264 }
1268 return my->_pause_production;
1271void producer_plugin::update_runtime_options(const runtime_options& options) {
1272 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1273 bool check_speculating = false;
1275 if (options.max_transaction_time) {
1276 my->_max_transaction_time_ms = *options.max_transaction_time;
1277 }
1279 if (options.max_irreversible_block_age) {
1280 my->_max_irreversible_block_age_us = fc::seconds(*options.max_irreversible_block_age);
1281 check_speculating = true;
1282 }
1284 if (options.produce_time_offset_us) {
1285 my->_produce_time_offset_us = *options.produce_time_offset_us;
1286 }
1288 if (options.last_block_time_offset_us) {
1289 my->_last_block_time_offset_us = *options.last_block_time_offset_us;
1290 }
1292 if (options.max_scheduled_transaction_time_per_block_ms) {
1293 my->_max_scheduled_transaction_time_per_block_ms = *options.max_scheduled_transaction_time_per_block_ms;
1294 }
1296 if (options.incoming_defer_ratio) {
1297 my->_incoming_defer_ratio = *options.incoming_defer_ratio;
1298 }
1300 if (check_speculating && my->_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::speculating) {
1301 my->abort_block();
1302 my->schedule_production_loop();
1303 }
1305 if (options.subjective_cpu_leeway_us) {
1306 chain.set_subjective_cpu_leeway(fc::microseconds(*options.subjective_cpu_leeway_us));
1307 }
1309 if (options.greylist_limit) {
1310 chain.set_greylist_limit(*options.greylist_limit);
1311 }
1314producer_plugin::runtime_options producer_plugin::get_runtime_options() const {
1315 return {
1316 my->_max_transaction_time_ms,
1317 my->_max_irreversible_block_age_us.count() < 0 ? -1 : my->_max_irreversible_block_age_us.count() / 1'000'000,
1318 my->_produce_time_offset_us,
1319 my->_last_block_time_offset_us,
1320 my->_max_scheduled_transaction_time_per_block_ms,
1321 my->chain_plug->chain().get_subjective_cpu_leeway() ?
1322 my->chain_plug->chain().get_subjective_cpu_leeway()->count() :
1323 std::optional<int32_t>(),
1324 my->_incoming_defer_ratio,
1325 my->chain_plug->chain().get_greylist_limit()
1326 };
1330 SYS_ASSERT(params.accounts.size() > 0, chain::invalid_http_request, "At least one account is required");
1332 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1333 for (auto &acc : params.accounts) {
1334 chain.add_resource_greylist(acc);
1335 }
1339 SYS_ASSERT(params.accounts.size() > 0, chain::invalid_http_request, "At least one account is required");
1341 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1342 for (auto &acc : params.accounts) {
1343 chain.remove_resource_greylist(acc);
1344 }
1348 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1349 greylist_params result;
1350 const auto& list = chain.get_resource_greylist();
1351 result.accounts.reserve(list.size());
1352 for (auto &acc: list) {
1353 result.accounts.push_back(acc);
1354 }
1355 return result;
1359 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1360 return {
1361 chain.get_actor_whitelist(),
1362 chain.get_actor_blacklist(),
1363 chain.get_contract_whitelist(),
1364 chain.get_contract_blacklist(),
1365 chain.get_action_blacklist(),
1366 chain.get_key_blacklist()
1367 };
1371 SYS_ASSERT(params.actor_whitelist || params.actor_blacklist || params.contract_whitelist || params.contract_blacklist || params.action_blacklist || params.key_blacklist,
1372 chain::invalid_http_request,
1373 "At least one of actor_whitelist, actor_blacklist, contract_whitelist, contract_blacklist, action_blacklist, and key_blacklist is required"
1374 );
1376 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1377 if(params.actor_whitelist) chain.set_actor_whitelist(*params.actor_whitelist);
1378 if(params.actor_blacklist) chain.set_actor_blacklist(*params.actor_blacklist);
1379 if(params.contract_whitelist) chain.set_contract_whitelist(*params.contract_whitelist);
1380 if(params.contract_blacklist) chain.set_contract_blacklist(*params.contract_blacklist);
1381 if(params.action_blacklist) chain.set_action_blacklist(*params.action_blacklist);
1382 if(params.key_blacklist) chain.set_key_blacklist(*params.key_blacklist);
1386 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1388 auto reschedule = fc::make_scoped_exit([this](){
1389 my->schedule_production_loop();
1390 });
1392 if (chain.is_building_block()) {
1393 // abort the pending block
1394 my->abort_block();
1395 } else {
1396 reschedule.cancel();
1397 }
1399 return {chain.head_block_id(), chain.calculate_integrity_hash()};
1403 chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1405 auto head_id = chain.head_block_id();
1406 const auto head_block_num = chain.head_block_num();
1407 const auto head_block_time = chain.head_block_time();
1408 const auto& snapshot_path = pending_snapshot::get_final_path(head_id, my->_snapshots_dir);
1409 const auto& temp_path = pending_snapshot::get_temp_path(head_id, my->_snapshots_dir);
1411 // maintain legacy exception if the snapshot exists
1412 if( fc::is_regular_file(snapshot_path) ) {
1413 auto ex = snapshot_exists_exception( FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, "snapshot named ${name} already exists", ("name", snapshot_path.generic_string()) ) );
1414 next(ex.dynamic_copy_exception());
1415 return;
1416 }
1418 auto write_snapshot = [&]( const bfs::path& p ) -> void {
1419 auto reschedule = fc::make_scoped_exit([this](){
1420 my->schedule_production_loop();
1421 });
1423 if (chain.is_building_block()) {
1424 // abort the pending block
1425 my->abort_block();
1426 } else {
1427 reschedule.cancel();
1428 }
1430 bfs::create_directory( p.parent_path() );
1432 // create the snapshot
1433 auto snap_out = std::ofstream(p.generic_string(), (std::ios::out | std::ios::binary));
1434 auto writer = std::make_shared<ostream_snapshot_writer>(snap_out);
1435 chain.write_snapshot(writer);
1436 writer->finalize();
1437 snap_out.flush();
1438 snap_out.close();
1439 };
1441 // If in irreversible mode, create snapshot and return path to snapshot immediately.
1442 if( chain.get_read_mode() == db_read_mode::IRREVERSIBLE ) {
1443 try {
1444 write_snapshot( temp_path );
1446 boost::system::error_code ec;
1447 bfs::rename(temp_path, snapshot_path, ec);
1448 SYS_ASSERT(!ec, snapshot_finalization_exception,
1449 "Unable to finalize valid snapshot of block number ${bn}: [code: ${ec}] ${message}",
1450 ("bn", head_block_num)
1451 ("ec", ec.value())
1452 ("message", ec.message()));
1454 next( producer_plugin::snapshot_information{head_id, head_block_num, head_block_time, chain_snapshot_header::current_version, snapshot_path.generic_string()} );
1455 } CATCH_AND_CALL (next);
1456 return;
1457 }
1459 // Otherwise, the result will be returned when the snapshot becomes irreversible.
1461 // determine if this snapshot is already in-flight
1462 auto& pending_by_id = my->_pending_snapshot_index.get<by_id>();
1463 auto existing = pending_by_id.find(head_id);
1464 if( existing != pending_by_id.end() ) {
1465 // if a snapshot at this block is already pending, attach this requests handler to it
1466 pending_by_id.modify(existing, [&next]( auto& entry ){
1467 entry.next = [prev = entry.next, next](const std::variant<fc::exception_ptr, producer_plugin::snapshot_information>& res){
1468 prev(res);
1469 next(res);
1470 };
1471 });
1472 } else {
1473 const auto& pending_path = pending_snapshot::get_pending_path(head_id, my->_snapshots_dir);
1475 try {
1476 write_snapshot( temp_path ); // create a new pending snapshot
1478 boost::system::error_code ec;
1479 bfs::rename(temp_path, pending_path, ec);
1480 SYS_ASSERT(!ec, snapshot_finalization_exception,
1481 "Unable to promote temp snapshot to pending for block number ${bn}: [code: ${ec}] ${message}",
1482 ("bn", head_block_num)
1483 ("ec", ec.value())
1484 ("message", ec.message()));
1486 my->_pending_snapshot_index.emplace(head_id, next, pending_path.generic_string(), snapshot_path.generic_string());
1487 } CATCH_AND_CALL (next);
1488 }
1493 return {my->_protocol_features_to_activate};
1497 const chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1498 std::set<digest_type> set_of_features_to_activate( schedule.protocol_features_to_activate.begin(),
1499 schedule.protocol_features_to_activate.end() );
1500 SYS_ASSERT( set_of_features_to_activate.size() == schedule.protocol_features_to_activate.size(),
1501 invalid_protocol_features_to_activate, "duplicate digests" );
1502 chain.validate_protocol_features( schedule.protocol_features_to_activate );
1503 const auto& pfs = chain.get_protocol_feature_manager().get_protocol_feature_set();
1504 for (auto &feature_digest : set_of_features_to_activate) {
1505 const auto& pf = pfs.get_protocol_feature(feature_digest);
1506 SYS_ASSERT( !pf.preactivation_required, protocol_feature_exception,
1507 "protocol feature requires preactivation: ${digest}",
1508 ("digest", feature_digest));
1509 }
1510 my->_protocol_features_to_activate = schedule.protocol_features_to_activate;
1511 my->_protocol_features_signaled = false;
1516 const chain::controller& chain = my->chain_plug->chain();
1517 const auto& pfs = chain.get_protocol_feature_manager().get_protocol_feature_set();
1518 const auto next_block_time = chain.head_block_time() + fc::milliseconds(config::block_interval_ms);
1520 flat_map<digest_type, bool> visited_protocol_features;
1521 visited_protocol_features.reserve( pfs.size() );
1523 std::function<bool(const protocol_feature&)> add_feature =
1524 [&results, &pfs, &params, next_block_time, &visited_protocol_features, &add_feature]
1525 ( const protocol_feature& pf ) -> bool {
1526 if( ( params.exclude_disabled || params.exclude_unactivatable ) && !pf.enabled ) return false;
1527 if( params.exclude_unactivatable && ( next_block_time < pf.earliest_allowed_activation_time ) ) return false;
1529 auto res = visited_protocol_features.emplace( pf.feature_digest, false );
1530 if( !res.second ) return res.first->second;
1532 const auto original_size = results.size();
1533 for( const auto& dependency : pf.dependencies ) {
1534 if( !add_feature( pfs.get_protocol_feature( dependency ) ) ) {
1535 results.resize( original_size );
1536 return false;
1537 }
1538 }
1540 res.first->second = true;
1541 results.emplace_back( pf.to_variant(true) );
1542 return true;
1543 };
1545 for( const auto& pf : pfs ) {
1546 add_feature( pf );
1547 }
1549 return results;
1555 const auto& db = my->chain_plug->chain().db();
1557 const auto& idx = db.get_index<chain::account_ram_correction_index, chain::by_name>();
1558 account_name lower_bound_value{ std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::lowest() };
1559 account_name upper_bound_value{ std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() };
1561 if( params.lower_bound ) {
1562 lower_bound_value = *params.lower_bound;
1563 }
1565 if( params.upper_bound ) {
1566 upper_bound_value = *params.upper_bound;
1567 }
1569 if( upper_bound_value < lower_bound_value )
1570 return result;
1572 auto walk_range = [&]( auto itr, auto end_itr ) {
1573 for( unsigned int count = 0;
1574 count < params.limit && itr != end_itr;
1575 ++itr )
1576 {
1577 result.rows.push_back( fc::variant( *itr ) );
1578 ++count;
1579 }
1580 if( itr != end_itr ) {
1581 result.more = itr->name;
1582 }
1583 };
1585 auto lower = idx.lower_bound( lower_bound_value );
1586 auto upper = idx.upper_bound( upper_bound_value );
1587 if( params.reverse ) {
1588 walk_range( boost::make_reverse_iterator(upper), boost::make_reverse_iterator(lower) );
1589 } else {
1590 walk_range( lower, upper );
1591 }
1593 return result;
1596std::optional<fc::time_point> producer_plugin_impl::calculate_next_block_time(const account_name& producer_name, const block_timestamp_type& current_block_time) const {
1598 const auto& hbs = chain.head_block_state();
1599 const auto& active_schedule = hbs->active_schedule.producers;
1601 // determine if this producer is in the active schedule and if so, where
1602 auto itr = std::find_if(active_schedule.begin(), active_schedule.end(), [&](const auto& asp){ return asp.producer_name == producer_name; });
1603 if (itr == active_schedule.end()) {
1604 // this producer is not in the active producer set
1605 return std::optional<fc::time_point>();
1606 }
1608 size_t producer_index = itr - active_schedule.begin();
1609 uint32_t minimum_offset = 1; // must at least be the "next" block
1611 // account for a watermark in the future which is disqualifying this producer for now
1612 // this is conservative assuming no blocks are dropped. If blocks are dropped the watermark will
1613 // disqualify this producer for longer but it is assumed they will wake up, determine that they
1614 // are disqualified for longer due to skipped blocks and re-caculate their next block with better
1615 // information then
1616 auto current_watermark = get_watermark(producer_name);
1617 if (current_watermark) {
1618 const auto watermark = *current_watermark;
1619 auto block_num = chain.head_block_state()->block_num;
1620 if (chain.is_building_block()) {
1621 ++block_num;
1622 }
1623 if (watermark.first > block_num) {
1624 // if I have a watermark block number then I need to wait until after that watermark
1625 minimum_offset = watermark.first - block_num + 1;
1626 }
1627 if (watermark.second > current_block_time) {
1628 // if I have a watermark block timestamp then I need to wait until after that watermark timestamp
1629 minimum_offset = std::max(minimum_offset, watermark.second.slot - current_block_time.slot + 1);
1630 }
1631 }
1633 // this producers next opportuity to produce is the next time its slot arrives after or at the calculated minimum
1634 uint32_t minimum_slot = current_block_time.slot + minimum_offset;
1635 size_t minimum_slot_producer_index = (minimum_slot % (active_schedule.size() * config::producer_repetitions)) / config::producer_repetitions;
1636 if ( producer_index == minimum_slot_producer_index ) {
1637 // this is the producer for the minimum slot, go with that
1638 return block_timestamp_type(minimum_slot).to_time_point();
1639 } else {
1640 // calculate how many rounds are between the minimum producer and the producer in question
1641 size_t producer_distance = producer_index - minimum_slot_producer_index;
1642 // check for unsigned underflow
1643 if (producer_distance > producer_index) {
1644 producer_distance += active_schedule.size();
1645 }
1647 // align the minimum slot to the first of its set of reps
1648 uint32_t first_minimum_producer_slot = minimum_slot - (minimum_slot % config::producer_repetitions);
1650 // offset the aligned minimum to the *earliest* next set of slots for this producer
1651 uint32_t next_block_slot = first_minimum_producer_slot + (producer_distance * config::producer_repetitions);
1652 return block_timestamp_type(next_block_slot).to_time_point();
1653 }
1657 const chain::controller& chain = chain_plug->chain();
1658 const fc::time_point now = fc::time_point::now();
1659 const fc::time_point base = std::max<fc::time_point>(now, chain.head_block_time());
1660 const int64_t min_time_to_next_block = (config::block_interval_us) - (base.time_since_epoch().count() % (config::block_interval_us) );
1661 fc::time_point block_time = base + fc::microseconds(min_time_to_next_block);
1662 return block_time;
1667 bool last_block = ((block_timestamp_type( block_time ).slot % config::producer_repetitions) == config::producer_repetitions - 1);
1668 return block_time + fc::microseconds(last_block ? _last_block_time_offset_us : _produce_time_offset_us);
1669 } else {
1670 return block_time + fc::microseconds(_produce_time_offset_us);
1671 }
1676 return deadline <= fc::time_point::now();
1677 }
1678 // if we can produce then honor deadline so production starts on time
1679 return (!_producers.empty() && deadline <= fc::time_point::now()) || _received_block;
1688 const auto& hbs = chain.head_block_state();
1690 if( chain.get_terminate_at_block() > 0 && chain.get_terminate_at_block() < chain.head_block_num() ) {
1691 ilog("Reached configured maximum block ${num}; terminating", ("num", chain.get_terminate_at_block()));
1692 app().quit();
1694 }
1696 const fc::time_point now = fc::time_point::now();
1697 const fc::time_point block_time = calculate_pending_block_time();
1698 const fc::time_point preprocess_deadline = calculate_block_deadline(block_time);
1700 const pending_block_mode previous_pending_mode = _pending_block_mode;
1703 // Not our turn
1704 const auto& scheduled_producer = hbs->get_scheduled_producer(block_time);
1706 const auto current_watermark = get_watermark(scheduled_producer.producer_name);
1708 size_t num_relevant_signatures = 0;
1709 scheduled_producer.for_each_key([&](const public_key_type& key){
1710 const auto& iter = _signature_providers.find(key);
1711 if(iter != _signature_providers.end()) {
1712 num_relevant_signatures++;
1713 }
1714 });
1716 auto irreversible_block_age = get_irreversible_block_age();
1718 // If the next block production opportunity is in the present or future, we're synced.
1719 if( !_production_enabled ) {
1721 } else if( _producers.find(scheduled_producer.producer_name) == _producers.end()) {
1723 } else if (num_relevant_signatures == 0) {
1724 elog("Not producing block because I don't have any private keys relevant to authority: ${authority}", ("authority", scheduled_producer.authority));
1726 } else if ( _pause_production ) {
1727 elog("Not producing block because production is explicitly paused");
1729 } else if ( _max_irreversible_block_age_us.count() >= 0 && irreversible_block_age >= _max_irreversible_block_age_us ) {
1730 elog("Not producing block because the irreversible block is too old [age:${age}s, max:${max}s]", ("age", irreversible_block_age.count() / 1'000'000)( "max", _max_irreversible_block_age_us.count() / 1'000'000 ));
1732 }
1735 // determine if our watermark excludes us from producing at this point
1736 if (current_watermark) {
1737 const block_timestamp_type block_timestamp{block_time};
1738 if (current_watermark->first > hbs->block_num) {
1739 elog("Not producing block because \"${producer}\" signed a block at a higher block number (${watermark}) than the current fork's head (${head_block_num})",
1740 ("producer", scheduled_producer.producer_name)
1741 ("watermark", current_watermark->first)
1742 ("head_block_num", hbs->block_num));
1744 } else if (current_watermark->second >= block_timestamp) {
1745 elog("Not producing block because \"${producer}\" signed a block at the next block time or later (${watermark}) than the pending block time (${block_timestamp})",
1746 ("producer", scheduled_producer.producer_name)
1747 ("watermark", current_watermark->second)
1748 ("block_timestamp", block_timestamp));
1750 }
1751 }
1752 }
1755 auto head_block_age = now - chain.head_block_time();
1756 if (head_block_age > fc::seconds(5))
1758 }
1761 const auto start_block_time = block_time - fc::microseconds( config::block_interval_us );
1762 if( now < start_block_time ) {
1763 fc_dlog(_log, "Not producing block waiting for production window ${n} ${bt}", ("n", hbs->block_num + 1)("bt", block_time) );
1764 // start_block_time instead of block_time because schedule_delayed_production_loop calculates next block time from given time
1765 schedule_delayed_production_loop(weak_from_this(), calculate_producer_wake_up_time(start_block_time));
1767 }
1768 } else if (previous_pending_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
1769 // just produced our last block of our round
1770 const auto start_block_time = block_time - fc::microseconds( config::block_interval_us );
1771 fc_dlog(_log, "Not starting speculative block until ${bt}", ("bt", start_block_time) );
1772 schedule_delayed_production_loop( weak_from_this(), start_block_time);
1774 }
1776 fc_dlog(_log, "Starting block #${n} at ${time} producer ${p}",
1777 ("n", hbs->block_num + 1)("time", now)("p", scheduled_producer.producer_name));
1779 try {
1780 uint16_t blocks_to_confirm = 0;
1783 // determine how many blocks this producer can confirm
1784 // 1) if it is not a producer from this node, assume no confirmations (we will discard this block anyway)
1785 // 2) if it is a producer on this node that has never produced, the conservative approach is to assume no
1786 // confirmations to make sure we don't double sign after a crash TODO: make these watermarks durable?
1787 // 3) if it is a producer on this node where this node knows the last block it produced, safely set it -UNLESS-
1788 // 4) the producer on this node's last watermark is higher (meaning on a different fork)
1789 if (current_watermark) {
1790 auto watermark_bn = current_watermark->first;
1791 if (watermark_bn < hbs->block_num) {
1792 blocks_to_confirm = (uint16_t)(std::min<uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(), (uint32_t)(hbs->block_num - watermark_bn)));
1793 }
1794 }
1796 // can not confirm irreversible blocks
1797 blocks_to_confirm = (uint16_t)(std::min<uint32_t>(blocks_to_confirm, (uint32_t)(hbs->block_num - hbs->dpos_irreversible_blocknum)));
1798 }
1800 abort_block();
1802 auto features_to_activate = chain.get_preactivated_protocol_features();
1804 bool drop_features_to_activate = false;
1805 try {
1807 } catch ( const std::bad_alloc& ) {
1809 } catch ( const boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) {
1811 } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
1812 wlog( "protocol features to activate are no longer all valid: ${details}",
1813 ("details",e.to_detail_string()) );
1814 drop_features_to_activate = true;
1815 } catch( const std::exception& e ) {
1816 wlog( "protocol features to activate are no longer all valid: ${details}",
1817 ("details",fc::std_exception_wrapper::from_current_exception(e).to_detail_string()) );
1818 drop_features_to_activate = true;
1819 }
1821 if( drop_features_to_activate ) {
1823 } else {
1824 auto protocol_features_to_activate = _protocol_features_to_activate; // do a copy as pending_block might be aborted
1825 if( features_to_activate.size() > 0 ) {
1826 protocol_features_to_activate.reserve( protocol_features_to_activate.size()
1827 + features_to_activate.size() );
1828 std::set<digest_type> set_of_features_to_activate( protocol_features_to_activate.begin(),
1829 protocol_features_to_activate.end() );
1830 for( const auto& f : features_to_activate ) {
1831 auto res = set_of_features_to_activate.insert( f );
1832 if( res.second ) {
1833 protocol_features_to_activate.push_back( f );
1834 }
1835 }
1836 features_to_activate.clear();
1837 }
1838 std::swap( features_to_activate, protocol_features_to_activate );
1840 ilog( "signaling activation of the following protocol features in block ${num}: ${features_to_activate}",
1841 ("num", hbs->block_num + 1)("features_to_activate", features_to_activate) );
1842 }
1843 }
1845 chain.start_block( block_time, blocks_to_confirm, features_to_activate, preprocess_deadline );
1846 } LOG_AND_DROP();
1848 if( chain.is_building_block() ) {
1849 const auto& pending_block_signing_authority = chain.pending_block_signing_authority();
1851 if (_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing && pending_block_signing_authority != scheduled_producer.authority) {
1852 elog("Unexpected block signing authority, reverting to speculative mode! [expected: \"${expected}\", actual: \"${actual\"", ("expected", scheduled_producer.authority)("actual", pending_block_signing_authority));
1854 }
1856 try {
1857 _account_fails.clear();
1859 if( !remove_expired_trxs( preprocess_deadline ) )
1861 if( !remove_expired_blacklisted_trxs( preprocess_deadline ) )
1864 [&](){ return should_interrupt_start_block( preprocess_deadline ); } ) ) {
1866 }
1868 // limit execution of pending incoming to once per block
1869 size_t pending_incoming_process_limit = _unapplied_transactions.incoming_size();
1871 if( !process_unapplied_trxs( preprocess_deadline ) )
1875 auto scheduled_trx_deadline = preprocess_deadline;
1877 scheduled_trx_deadline = std::min<fc::time_point>(
1878 scheduled_trx_deadline,
1880 );
1881 }
1882 // may exhaust scheduled_trx_deadline but not preprocess_deadline, exhausted preprocess_deadline checked below
1883 process_scheduled_and_incoming_trxs( scheduled_trx_deadline, pending_incoming_process_limit );
1884 }
1886 if( app().is_quiting() ) // db guard exception above in LOG_AND_DROP could have called app().quit()
1888 if ( should_interrupt_start_block( preprocess_deadline ) || block_is_exhausted() ) {
1890 } else {
1891 if( !process_incoming_trxs( preprocess_deadline, pending_incoming_process_limit ) )
1894 }
1896 } catch ( const guard_exception& e ) {
1899 } catch ( std::bad_alloc& ) {
1901 } catch ( boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& ) {
1903 }
1905 }
1913 auto pending_block_time = chain.pending_block_time();
1915 // remove all expired transactions
1916 size_t num_expired_persistent = 0;
1917 size_t num_expired_other = 0;
1918 size_t orig_count = _unapplied_transactions.size();
1919 bool exhausted = !_unapplied_transactions.clear_expired( pending_block_time, [&](){ return should_interrupt_start_block( deadline ); },
1920 [chain_plug = chain_plug, &num_expired_persistent, &num_expired_other, pbm = _pending_block_mode,
1921 &chain, has_producers = !_producers.empty()]( const packed_transaction_ptr& packed_trx_ptr, trx_enum_type trx_type ) {
1922 if( trx_type == trx_enum_type::persisted ) {
1923 if( pbm == pending_block_mode::producing ) {
1925 "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${txid}",
1926 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("txid", packed_trx_ptr->id())
1927 ("prod", chain.is_building_block() ? chain.pending_block_producer() : name()) );
1928 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${trx}",
1929 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)
1930 ("prod", chain.is_building_block() ? chain.pending_block_producer() : name())
1931 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1932 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Block ${block_num} for producer ${prod} is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${entire_trx}",
1933 ("block_num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)
1934 ("prod", chain.is_building_block() ? chain.pending_block_producer() : name())
1935 ("entire_trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1937 } else {
1938 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${txid}", ("txid", packed_trx_ptr->id()));
1940 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${trx}",
1941 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1942 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is EXPIRING PERSISTED tx: ${entire_trx}",
1943 ("entire_trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1944 }
1945 ++num_expired_persistent;
1946 } else {
1947 if (has_producers) {
1949 "[TRX_TRACE] Node with producers configured is dropping an EXPIRED transaction that was PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED : ${txid}",
1950 ("txid", packed_trx_ptr->id()));
1952 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Node with producers configured is dropping an EXPIRED transaction that was PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED: ${trx}",
1953 ("trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1954 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Node with producers configured is dropping an EXPIRED transaction that was PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED: ${entire_trx}",
1955 ("entire_trx", chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction())));
1956 }
1957 ++num_expired_other;
1958 }
1959 });
1962 fc_wlog( _log, "Unable to process all expired transactions in unapplied queue before deadline, "
1963 "Persistent expired ${persistent_expired}, Other expired ${other_expired}",
1964 ("persistent_expired", num_expired_persistent)("other_expired", num_expired_other) );
1965 } else {
1966 fc_dlog( _log, "Processed ${m} expired transactions of the ${n} transactions in the unapplied queue, "
1967 "Persistent expired ${persistent_expired}, Other expired ${other_expired}",
1968 ("m", num_expired_persistent+num_expired_other)("n", orig_count)
1969 ("persistent_expired", num_expired_persistent)("other_expired", num_expired_other) );
1970 }
1972 return !exhausted;
1977 bool exhausted = false;
1978 auto& blacklist_by_expiry = _blacklisted_transactions.get<by_expiry>();
1979 if(!blacklist_by_expiry.empty()) {
1980 const chain::controller& chain = chain_plug->chain();
1981 const auto lib_time = chain.last_irreversible_block_time();
1983 int num_expired = 0;
1984 int orig_count = _blacklisted_transactions.size();
1986 while (!blacklist_by_expiry.empty() && blacklist_by_expiry.begin()->expiry <= lib_time) {
1987 if ( should_interrupt_start_block( deadline ) ) {
1988 exhausted = true;
1989 break;
1990 }
1991 blacklist_by_expiry.erase(blacklist_by_expiry.begin());
1992 num_expired++;
1993 }
1995 fc_dlog(_log, "Processed ${n} blacklisted transactions, Expired ${expired}",
1996 ("n", orig_count)("expired", num_expired));
1997 }
1998 return !exhausted;
2003 bool exhausted = false;
2006 const auto& rl = chain.get_resource_limits_manager();
2007 int num_applied = 0, num_failed = 0, num_processed = 0;
2008 auto unapplied_trxs_size = _unapplied_transactions.size();
2009 // unapplied and persisted do not have a next method to call
2014 while( itr != end_itr ) {
2015 if( should_interrupt_start_block( deadline ) ) {
2016 exhausted = true;
2017 break;
2018 }
2020 const transaction_metadata_ptr trx = itr->trx_meta;
2021 ++num_processed;
2022 try {
2023 auto start = fc::time_point::now();
2025 auto first_auth = trx->packed_trx()->get_transaction().first_authorizer();
2026 if( _account_fails.failure_limit( first_auth ) ) {
2027 ++num_failed;
2028 if( itr->next ) {
2029 itr->next( std::make_shared<tx_cpu_usage_exceeded>(
2030 FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, "transaction ${id} exceeded failure limit for account ${a}",
2031 ("id", trx->id())("a", first_auth) ) ) );
2032 }
2033 itr = _unapplied_transactions.erase( itr );
2034 continue;
2035 }
2038 if( max_trx_time.count() < 0 ) max_trx_time = fc::microseconds::maximum();
2040 auto prev_billed_cpu_time_us = trx->billed_cpu_time_us;
2041 if( prev_billed_cpu_time_us > 0 && !_subjective_billing.is_account_disabled( first_auth ) && !rl.is_unlimited_cpu( first_auth )) {
2042 uint64_t prev_billed_plus100_us = prev_billed_cpu_time_us + SYS_PERCENT( prev_billed_cpu_time_us, 100 * config::percent_1 );
2043 if( prev_billed_plus100_us < max_trx_time.count() ) max_trx_time = fc::microseconds( prev_billed_plus100_us );
2044 }
2046 // no subjective billing since we are producing or processing persisted trxs
2047 const int64_t sub_bill = 0;
2048 bool disable_subjective_billing = ( _pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing )
2049 || ( (itr->trx_type == trx_enum_type::persisted) && _disable_subjective_api_billing )
2050 || ( !(itr->trx_type == trx_enum_type::persisted) && _disable_subjective_p2p_billing )
2051 || trx->read_only;
2053 auto trace = chain.push_transaction( trx, deadline, max_trx_time, prev_billed_cpu_time_us, false, sub_bill );
2054 fc_dlog( _trx_failed_trace_log, "Subjective unapplied bill for ${a}: ${b} prev ${t}us", ("a",first_auth)("b",prev_billed_cpu_time_us)("t",trace->elapsed));
2055 if( trace->except ) {
2056 if( exception_is_exhausted( *trace->except ) ) {
2057 if( block_is_exhausted() ) {
2058 exhausted = true;
2059 // don't erase, subjective failure so try again next time
2060 break;
2061 }
2062 } else {
2063 fc_dlog( _trx_failed_trace_log, "Subjective unapplied bill for failed ${a}: ${b} prev ${t}us", ("a",first_auth)("b",prev_billed_cpu_time_us)("t",trace->elapsed));
2064 auto failure_code = trace->except->code();
2065 if( failure_code != tx_duplicate::code_value ) {
2066 // this failed our configured maximum transaction time, we don't want to replay it
2067 fc_dlog( _log, "Failed ${c} trx, prev billed: ${p}us, ran: ${r}us, id: ${id}",
2068 ("c", trace->except->code())("p", prev_billed_cpu_time_us)
2069 ("r", fc::time_point::now() - start)("id", trx->id()) );
2070 _account_fails.add( first_auth, failure_code );
2071 if (!disable_subjective_billing)
2072 _subjective_billing.subjective_bill_failure( first_auth, trace->elapsed, fc::time_point::now() );
2073 }
2074 ++num_failed;
2075 if( itr->next ) {
2076 itr->next( trace->except->dynamic_copy_exception() );
2077 }
2078 itr = _unapplied_transactions.erase( itr );
2079 continue;
2080 }
2081 } else {
2082 fc_dlog( _trx_successful_trace_log, "Subjective unapplied bill for success ${a}: ${b} prev ${t}us", ("a",first_auth)("b",prev_billed_cpu_time_us)("t",trace->elapsed));
2083 // if db_read_mode SPECULATIVE then trx is in the pending block and not immediately reverted
2084 if (!disable_subjective_billing)
2085 _subjective_billing.subjective_bill( trx->id(), trx->packed_trx()->expiration(), first_auth, trace->elapsed,
2087 ++num_applied;
2088 if( itr->trx_type != trx_enum_type::persisted ) {
2089 if( itr->next ) itr->next( trace );
2090 itr = _unapplied_transactions.erase( itr );
2091 continue;
2092 }
2093 }
2094 } LOG_AND_DROP();
2095 ++itr;
2096 }
2098 fc_dlog( _log, "Processed ${m} of ${n} previously applied transactions, Applied ${applied}, Failed/Dropped ${failed}",
2099 ("m", num_processed)( "n", unapplied_trxs_size )("applied", num_applied)("failed", num_failed) );
2100 }
2101 return !exhausted;
2104void producer_plugin_impl::process_scheduled_and_incoming_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline, size_t& pending_incoming_process_limit )
2106 // scheduled transactions
2107 int num_applied = 0;
2108 int num_failed = 0;
2109 int num_processed = 0;
2110 bool exhausted = false;
2111 double incoming_trx_weight = 0.0;
2113 auto& blacklist_by_id = _blacklisted_transactions.get<by_id>();
2115 time_point pending_block_time = chain.pending_block_time();
2118 const auto& sch_idx = chain.db().get_index<generated_transaction_multi_index,by_delay>();
2119 const auto scheduled_trxs_size = sch_idx.size();
2120 auto sch_itr = sch_idx.begin();
2121 while( sch_itr != sch_idx.end() ) {
2122 if( sch_itr->delay_until > pending_block_time) break; // not scheduled yet
2123 if( exhausted || deadline <= fc::time_point::now() ) {
2124 exhausted = true;
2125 break;
2126 }
2127 if( sch_itr->published >= pending_block_time ) {
2128 ++sch_itr;
2129 continue; // do not allow schedule and execute in same block
2130 }
2132 if (blacklist_by_id.find(sch_itr->trx_id) != blacklist_by_id.end()) {
2133 ++sch_itr;
2134 continue;
2135 }
2137 const transaction_id_type trx_id = sch_itr->trx_id; // make copy since reference could be invalidated
2138 const auto sch_expiration = sch_itr->expiration;
2139 auto sch_itr_next = sch_itr; // save off next since sch_itr may be invalidated by loop
2140 ++sch_itr_next;
2141 const auto next_delay_until = sch_itr_next != sch_idx.end() ? sch_itr_next->delay_until : sch_itr->delay_until;
2142 const auto next_id = sch_itr_next != sch_idx.end() ? sch_itr_next->id : sch_itr->id;
2144 num_processed++;
2146 // configurable ratio of incoming txns vs deferred txns
2147 while (incoming_trx_weight >= 1.0 && pending_incoming_process_limit && itr != end ) {
2148 if (deadline <= fc::time_point::now()) {
2149 exhausted = true;
2150 break;
2151 }
2153 --pending_incoming_process_limit;
2154 incoming_trx_weight -= 1.0;
2156 auto trx_meta = itr->trx_meta;
2157 auto next = itr->next;
2158 bool persist_until_expired = itr->trx_type == trx_enum_type::incoming_persisted;
2159 bool return_failure_trace = itr->return_failure_trace;
2160 itr = _unapplied_transactions.erase( itr );
2161 if( !process_incoming_transaction_async( trx_meta, persist_until_expired, return_failure_trace, next ) ) {
2162 exhausted = true;
2163 break;
2164 }
2165 }
2167 if (exhausted || deadline <= fc::time_point::now()) {
2168 exhausted = true;
2169 break;
2170 }
2172 try {
2174 if( max_trx_time.count() < 0 ) max_trx_time = fc::microseconds::maximum();
2176 auto trace = chain.push_scheduled_transaction(trx_id, deadline, max_trx_time, 0, false);
2177 if (trace->except) {
2178 if (exception_is_exhausted(*trace->except)) {
2179 if( block_is_exhausted() ) {
2180 exhausted = true;
2181 break;
2182 }
2183 } else {
2184 // this failed our configured maximum transaction time, we don't want to replay it add it to a blacklist
2185 _blacklisted_transactions.insert(transaction_id_with_expiry{trx_id, sch_expiration});
2186 num_failed++;
2187 }
2188 } else {
2189 num_applied++;
2190 }
2191 } LOG_AND_DROP();
2193 incoming_trx_weight += _incoming_defer_ratio;
2194 if (!pending_incoming_process_limit) incoming_trx_weight = 0.0;
2196 if( sch_itr_next == sch_idx.end() ) break;
2197 sch_itr = sch_idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( next_delay_until, next_id ) );
2198 }
2200 if( scheduled_trxs_size > 0 ) {
2201 fc_dlog( _log,
2202 "Processed ${m} of ${n} scheduled transactions, Applied ${applied}, Failed/Dropped ${failed}",
2203 ( "m", num_processed )( "n", scheduled_trxs_size )( "applied", num_applied )( "failed", num_failed ) );
2204 }
2207bool producer_plugin_impl::process_incoming_trxs( const fc::time_point& deadline, size_t& pending_incoming_process_limit )
2209 bool exhausted = false;
2210 if( pending_incoming_process_limit ) {
2211 size_t processed = 0;
2212 fc_dlog( _log, "Processing ${n} pending transactions", ("n", pending_incoming_process_limit) );
2215 while( pending_incoming_process_limit && itr != end ) {
2216 if ( should_interrupt_start_block( deadline ) ) {
2217 exhausted = true;
2218 break;
2219 }
2220 --pending_incoming_process_limit;
2222 auto trx_meta = itr->trx_meta;
2223 auto next = itr->next;
2224 bool persist_until_expired = itr->trx_type == trx_enum_type::incoming_persisted;
2225 bool return_failure_trace = itr->return_failure_trace;
2226 itr = _unapplied_transactions.erase( itr );
2227 if( !process_incoming_transaction_async( trx_meta, persist_until_expired, return_failure_trace, next ) ) {
2228 exhausted = true;
2229 break;
2230 }
2231 ++processed;
2232 }
2233 fc_dlog( _log, "Processed ${n} pending transactions, ${p} left", ("n", processed)("p", _unapplied_transactions.incoming_size()) );
2234 }
2235 return !exhausted;
2239 const chain::controller& chain = chain_plug->chain();
2240 const auto& rl = chain.get_resource_limits_manager();
2242 const uint64_t cpu_limit = rl.get_block_cpu_limit();
2243 if( cpu_limit < _max_block_cpu_usage_threshold_us ) return true;
2244 const uint64_t net_limit = rl.get_block_net_limit();
2245 if( net_limit < _max_block_net_usage_threshold_bytes ) return true;
2246 return false;
2249// Example:
2250// --> Start block A (block time x.500) at time x.000
2251// -> start_block()
2252// --> deadline, produce block x.500 at time x.400 (assuming 80% cpu block effort)
2253// -> Idle
2254// --> Start block B (block time y.000) at time x.500
2256 _received_block = false;
2257 _timer.cancel();
2259 auto result = start_block();
2261 if (result == start_block_result::failed) {
2262 elog("Failed to start a pending block, will try again later");
2263 _timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds( config::block_interval_us / 10 ));
2265 // we failed to start a block, so try again later?
2266 _timer.async_wait( app().get_priority_queue().wrap( priority::high,
2267 [weak_this = weak_from_this(), cid = ++_timer_corelation_id]( const boost::system::error_code& ec ) {
2268 auto self = weak_this.lock();
2269 if( self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id ) {
2270 self->schedule_production_loop();
2271 }
2272 } ) );
2273 } else if (result == start_block_result::waiting_for_block){
2274 if (!_producers.empty() && !production_disabled_by_policy()) {
2275 fc_dlog(_log, "Waiting till another block is received and scheduling Speculative/Production Change");
2277 } else {
2278 fc_dlog(_log, "Waiting till another block is received");
2279 // nothing to do until more blocks arrive
2280 }
2282 } else if (result == start_block_result::waiting_for_production) {
2283 // scheduled in start_block()
2290 fc_dlog(_log, "Speculative Block Created; Scheduling Speculative/Production Change");
2291 SYS_ASSERT( chain.is_building_block(), missing_pending_block_state, "speculating without pending_block_state" );
2293 } else {
2294 fc_dlog(_log, "Speculative Block Created");
2295 }
2301 // we succeeded but block may be exhausted
2302 static const boost::posix_time::ptime epoch( boost::gregorian::date( 1970, 1, 1 ) );
2303 auto deadline = calculate_block_deadline( chain.pending_block_time() );
2305 if( !exhausted && deadline > fc::time_point::now() ) {
2306 // ship this block off no later than its deadline
2307 SYS_ASSERT( chain.is_building_block(), missing_pending_block_state,
2308 "producing without pending_block_state, start_block succeeded" );
2309 _timer.expires_at( epoch + boost::posix_time::microseconds( deadline.time_since_epoch().count() ) );
2310 fc_dlog( _log, "Scheduling Block Production on Normal Block #${num} for ${time}",
2311 ("num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)( "time", deadline ) );
2312 } else {
2313 SYS_ASSERT( chain.is_building_block(), missing_pending_block_state, "producing without pending_block_state" );
2314 _timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds( 0 ) );
2315 fc_dlog( _log, "Scheduling Block Production on ${desc} Block #${num} immediately",
2316 ("num", chain.head_block_num() + 1)("desc", block_is_exhausted() ? "Exhausted" : "Deadline exceeded") );
2317 }
2319 _timer.async_wait( app().get_priority_queue().wrap( priority::high,
2320 [&chain, weak_this = weak_from_this(), cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
2321 auto self = weak_this.lock();
2322 if( self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id ) {
2323 // pending_block_state expected, but can't assert inside async_wait
2324 auto block_num = chain.is_building_block() ? chain.head_block_num() + 1 : 0;
2325 fc_dlog( _log, "Produce block timer for ${num} running at ${time}", ("num", block_num)("time", fc::time_point::now()) );
2326 auto res = self->maybe_produce_block();
2327 fc_dlog( _log, "Producing Block #${num} returned: ${res}", ("num", block_num)( "res", res ) );
2328 }
2329 } ) );
2332std::optional<fc::time_point> producer_plugin_impl::calculate_producer_wake_up_time( const block_timestamp_type& ref_block_time ) const {
2333 // if we have any producers then we should at least set a timer for our next available slot
2334 std::optional<fc::time_point> wake_up_time;
2335 for (const auto& p : _producers) {
2336 auto next_producer_block_time = calculate_next_block_time(p, ref_block_time);
2337 if (next_producer_block_time) {
2338 auto producer_wake_up_time = *next_producer_block_time - fc::microseconds(config::block_interval_us);
2339 if (wake_up_time) {
2340 // wake up with a full block interval to the deadline
2341 if( producer_wake_up_time < *wake_up_time ) {
2342 wake_up_time = producer_wake_up_time;
2343 }
2344 } else {
2345 wake_up_time = producer_wake_up_time;
2346 }
2347 }
2348 }
2349 if( !wake_up_time ) {
2350 fc_dlog(_log, "Not Scheduling Speculative/Production, no local producers had valid wake up times");
2351 }
2353 return wake_up_time;
2356void producer_plugin_impl::schedule_delayed_production_loop(const std::weak_ptr<producer_plugin_impl>& weak_this, std::optional<fc::time_point> wake_up_time) {
2357 if (wake_up_time) {
2358 fc_dlog(_log, "Scheduling Speculative/Production Change at ${time}", ("time", wake_up_time));
2359 static const boost::posix_time::ptime epoch(boost::gregorian::date(1970, 1, 1));
2360 _timer.expires_at(epoch + boost::posix_time::microseconds(wake_up_time->time_since_epoch().count()));
2361 _timer.async_wait( app().get_priority_queue().wrap( priority::high,
2362 [weak_this,cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
2363 auto self = weak_this.lock();
2364 if( self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id ) {
2365 self->schedule_production_loop();
2366 }
2367 } ) );
2368 }
2373 auto reschedule = fc::make_scoped_exit([this]{
2375 });
2377 try {
2378 produce_block();
2379 return true;
2380 } LOG_AND_DROP();
2382 fc_dlog(_log, "Aborting block due to produce_block error");
2383 abort_block();
2384 return false;
2387static auto make_debug_time_logger() {
2388 auto start = fc::time_point::now();
2389 return fc::make_scoped_exit([=](){
2390 fc_dlog(_log, "Signing took ${ms}us", ("ms", fc::time_point::now() - start) );
2391 });
2394static auto maybe_make_debug_time_logger() -> std::optional<decltype(make_debug_time_logger())> {
2396 return make_debug_time_logger();
2397 } else {
2398 return {};
2399 }
2403 //ilog("produce_block ${t}", ("t", fc::time_point::now())); // for testing _produce_time_offset_us
2404 SYS_ASSERT(_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing, producer_exception, "called produce_block while not actually producing");
2406 SYS_ASSERT(chain.is_building_block(), missing_pending_block_state, "pending_block_state does not exist but it should, another plugin may have corrupted it");
2408 const auto& auth = chain.pending_block_signing_authority();
2409 std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const signature_provider_type>> relevant_providers;
2411 relevant_providers.reserve(_signature_providers.size());
2414 const auto& iter = _signature_providers.find(key);
2415 if (iter != _signature_providers.end()) {
2416 relevant_providers.emplace_back(iter->second);
2417 }
2418 });
2420 SYS_ASSERT(relevant_providers.size() > 0, producer_priv_key_not_found, "Attempting to produce a block for which we don't have any relevant private keys");
2423 _protocol_features_to_activate.clear(); // clear _protocol_features_to_activate as it is already set in pending_block
2425 }
2430 auto& sub_chain_plug = app().get_plugin<sub_chain_plugin>();
2431 // TODO: verify sub chain is enabled, otherwise skip? or require?
2432 // Step 1: Scans transactions to find relevant transactions by comparing to a list of known contracts.
2433 auto relevant_s_transactions = sub_chain_plug.find_relevant_transactions(chain);
2434 // Only calculate if there are relevant s-transactions
2435 if (!relevant_s_transactions.empty()) {
2436 ilog("Relevant S-Transactions found: ${count}", ("count", relevant_s_transactions.size()));
2437 // Step 2: Builds array of leaves in the same order as they appear in the transaction list.
2438 // Step 3: Computes a Merkle root hash: the S-Root.
2439 checksum256_type s_root = sub_chain_plug.calculate_s_root(relevant_s_transactions);
2440 ilog("s_root calculated: ${root}", ("root", s_root.str()));
2441 // Step 4: S-Root is hashed with the previous S-ID using SHA-256
2442 // Step 5: Takes the 32 least-significant bits from the previous S-ID to get the previous S-Block number, and increment to get the new S-Block number
2443 // Step 6: Hashes the S-Root with the previous S-ID with SHA-256, then replace the 32 least significant bits with the new S-Block number to produce the new S-ID
2444 checksum256_type curr_s_id = sub_chain_plug.compute_curr_s_id(s_root);
2445 ilog("curr_s_id calculated: ${curr_s_id}", ("curr_s_id", curr_s_id.str()));
2446 // Prepare the s_header for the current block to be added to the header extension
2448 sub_chain_plug.get_contract_name(),
2449 sub_chain_plug.get_prev_s_id(),
2450 curr_s_id,
2451 s_root
2452 };
2453 ilog("S-Header prepared: ${s_header}", ("s_header", s_header.to_string()));
2455 // Set the s_root in the chain controller for the building block state
2456 // to be referenced and passed to make_block_header on finalize_block below
2457 chain.set_s_header( s_header );
2459 // Update the plugin's stored prev_s_id with the newly calculated S-ID
2460 sub_chain_plug.update_prev_s_id(curr_s_id);
2461 }
2463 //idump( (fc::time_point::now() - chain.pending_block_time()) );
2464 chain.finalize_block( [&]( const digest_type& d ) {
2465 auto debug_logger = maybe_make_debug_time_logger();
2467 sigs.reserve(relevant_providers.size());
2469 // sign with all relevant public keys
2470 for (const auto& p : relevant_providers) {
2471 sigs.emplace_back(p.get()(d));
2472 }
2473 return sigs;
2474 } );
2476 chain.commit_block();
2478 block_state_ptr new_bs = chain.head_block_state();
2480 _account_fails.report();
2481 _account_fails.clear();
2483 ilog("Produced block ${id}... #${n} @ ${t} signed by ${p} [trxs: ${count}, lib: ${lib}, confirmed: ${confs}]",
2484 ("p",new_bs->header.producer)("id",new_bs->id.str().substr(8,16))
2485 ("n",new_bs->block_num)("t",new_bs->header.timestamp)
2486 ("count",new_bs->block->transactions.size())("lib",chain.last_irreversible_block_num())("confs", new_bs->header.confirmed));
2491 my->_received_block = true;
2494void producer_plugin::log_failed_transaction(const transaction_id_type& trx_id, const packed_transaction_ptr& packed_trx_ptr, const char* reason) const {
2495 fc_dlog(_trx_failed_trace_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${txid} : ${why}",
2496 ("txid", trx_id)("why", reason));
2497 fc_dlog(_trx_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${trx}",
2498 ("entire_trx", packed_trx_ptr ? my->chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction()) : fc::variant{trx_id}));
2499 fc_dlog(_trx_trace_failure_log, "[TRX_TRACE] Speculative execution is REJECTING tx: ${entire_trx}",
2500 ("entire_trx", packed_trx_ptr ? my->chain_plug->get_log_trx(packed_trx_ptr->get_transaction()) : fc::variant{trx_id}));
2503} // namespace sysio
const mie::Vuint & p
Definition bn.cpp:27
constexpr uint64_t SYS_PERCENT(uint64_t value, uint32_t percentage)
Definition config.hpp:152
#define SYS_THROW(exc_type, FORMAT,...)
#define SYS_ASSERT(expr, exc_type, FORMAT,...)
Definition exceptions.hpp:7
#define LOAD_VALUE_SET(options, op_name, container)
abstract_plugin * find_plugin(const string &name) const
abstract_plugin & get_plugin(const string &name) const
bfs::path data_dir() const
Get data directory.
auto post(int priority, Func &&func)
auto get_method() -> std::enable_if_t< is_method_decl< MethodDecl >::value, typename MethodDecl::method_type & >
auto get_channel() -> std::enable_if_t< is_channel_decl< ChannelDecl >::value, typename ChannelDecl::channel_type & >
static private_key regenerate(const typename KeyType::data_type &data)
Used to generate a useful error report when an exception is thrown.
Definition exception.hpp:58
std::string to_detail_string(log_level ll=log_level::all) const
int64_t code() const
static variant from_string(const string &utf8_str, const parse_type ptype=parse_type::legacy_parser, uint32_t max_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH)
Definition json.cpp:442
static void update(const fc::string &name, logger &log)
Definition logger.cpp:92
bool is_enabled(log_level e) const
Definition logger.cpp:58
constexpr int64_t to_seconds() const
Definition time.hpp:27
constexpr int64_t count() const
Definition time.hpp:26
static constexpr microseconds maximum()
Definition time.hpp:14
An order-preserving dictionary of variants.
static sha256 hash(const char *d, uint32_t dlen)
Definition sha256.cpp:44
string str() const
Definition sha256.cpp:26
static std_exception_wrapper from_current_exception(const std::exception &e)
static time_point now()
Definition time.cpp:14
static constexpr time_point maximum()
Definition time.hpp:46
stores null, int64, uint64, double, bool, string, std::vector<variant>, and variant_object's.
Definition variant.hpp:191
T as() const
Definition variant.hpp:327
fc::time_point to_time_point() const
void set_greylist_limit(uint32_t limit)
void set_actor_whitelist(const flat_set< account_name > &)
const flat_set< account_name > & get_actor_blacklist() const
signal< void(const block_state_ptr &)> accepted_block_header
validation_mode get_validation_mode() const
signed_block_ptr fetch_block_by_number(uint32_t block_num) const
void set_actor_blacklist(const flat_set< account_name > &)
signal< void(const block_state_ptr &)> accepted_block
signal< void(const block_state_ptr &)> irreversible_block
db_read_mode get_read_mode() const
vector< transaction_metadata_ptr > abort_block()
transaction_trace_ptr push_transaction(const transaction_metadata_ptr &trx, fc::time_point deadline, fc::microseconds max_transaction_time, uint32_t billed_cpu_time_us, bool explicit_billed_cpu_time, int64_t subjective_cpu_bill_us)
uint32_t head_block_num() const
block_id_type head_block_id() const
block_state_ptr head_block_state() const
void write_snapshot(const snapshot_writer_ptr &snapshot)
uint32_t last_irreversible_block_num() const
void set_key_blacklist(const flat_set< public_key_type > &)
void set_s_header(const s_header &)
const protocol_feature_manager & get_protocol_feature_manager() const
uint32_t configured_subjective_signature_length_limit() const
const flat_set< account_name > & get_contract_whitelist() const
account_name pending_block_producer() const
const block_signing_authority & pending_block_signing_authority() const
signed_block_ptr fetch_block_by_id(block_id_type id) const
time_point last_irreversible_block_time() const
const flat_set< pair< account_name, action_name > > & get_action_blacklist() const
uint32_t get_terminate_at_block() const
void set_contract_blacklist(const flat_set< account_name > &)
block_state_ptr finalize_block(const signer_callback_type &signer_callback)
const flat_set< account_name > & get_contract_blacklist() const
void remove_resource_greylist(const account_name &name)
chain_id_type get_chain_id() const
const flat_set< public_key_type > & get_key_blacklist() const
const flat_set< account_name > & get_resource_greylist() const
void set_contract_whitelist(const flat_set< account_name > &)
time_point pending_block_time() const
void validate_protocol_features(const vector< digest_type > &features_to_activate) const
vector< digest_type > get_preactivated_protocol_features() const
void set_subjective_cpu_leeway(fc::microseconds leeway)
void add_resource_greylist(const account_name &name)
bool is_known_unexpired_transaction(const transaction_id_type &id) const
const flat_set< account_name > & get_actor_whitelist() const
time_point head_block_time() const
const resource_limits_manager & get_resource_limits_manager() const
void set_action_blacklist(const flat_set< pair< account_name, action_name > > &)
void start_block(block_timestamp_type time=block_timestamp_type(), uint16_t confirm_block_count=0)
const protocol_feature_set & get_protocol_feature_set() const
static recover_keys_future start_recover_keys(packed_transaction_ptr trx, boost::asio::io_context &thread_pool, const chain_id_type &chain_id, fc::microseconds time_limit, trx_type t, uint32_t max_variable_sig_size=UINT32_MAX)
bool clear_expired(const time_point &pending_block_time, Yield &&yield, Callback &&callback)
void add_forked(const branch_type &forked_branch)
iterator erase(iterator itr)
caller's responsibility to call next() if applicable
void add_aborted(std::vector< transaction_metadata_ptr > aborted_trxs)
transaction_metadata_ptr get_trx(const transaction_id_type &id) const
static void handle_db_exhaustion()
static void handle_guard_exception(const chain::guard_exception &e)
static void handle_bad_alloc()
bool accept_transactions() const
fc::variant get_log_trx(const transaction &trx) const
producer_plugin::next_function< producer_plugin::snapshot_information > next_t
static bfs::path get_pending_path(const block_id_type &block_id, const bfs::path &snapshots_dir)
static bfs::path get_temp_path(const block_id_type &block_id, const bfs::path &snapshots_dir)
pending_snapshot(const block_id_type &block_id, next_t &next, std::string pending_path, std::string final_path)
producer_plugin::snapshot_information finalize(const chain::controller &chain) const
static bfs::path get_final_path(const block_id_type &block_id, const bfs::path &snapshots_dir)
fc::microseconds get_irreversible_block_age()
bool remove_expired_trxs(const fc::time_point &deadline)
void on_block_header(const block_state_ptr &bsp)
bool should_interrupt_start_block(const fc::time_point &deadline) const
void on_block(const block_state_ptr &bsp)
void schedule_delayed_production_loop(const std::weak_ptr< producer_plugin_impl > &weak_this, std::optional< fc::time_point > wake_up_time)
transaction_id_with_expiry_index _blacklisted_transactions
void on_incoming_transaction_async(const packed_transaction_ptr &trx, bool persist_until_expired, bool read_only, bool return_failure_traces, next_function< transaction_trace_ptr > next)
bool process_incoming_transaction_async(const transaction_metadata_ptr &trx, bool persist_until_expired, bool return_failure_traces, next_function< transaction_trace_ptr > next)
fc::microseconds _kiod_provider_timeout_us
std::optional< scoped_connection > _irreversible_block_connection
std::optional< scoped_connection > _accepted_block_connection
incoming::methods::transaction_async::method_type::handle _incoming_transaction_async_provider
void schedule_maybe_produce_block(bool exhausted)
std::map< chain::account_name, producer_watermark > _producer_watermarks
bool remove_expired_blacklisted_trxs(const fc::time_point &deadline)
incoming::methods::block_sync::method_type::handle _incoming_block_sync_provider
void on_irreversible_block(const signed_block_ptr &lib)
std::optional< fc::time_point > calculate_producer_wake_up_time(const block_timestamp_type &ref_block_time) const
compat::channels::transaction_ack::channel_type & _transaction_ack_channel
bool process_incoming_trxs(const fc::time_point &deadline, size_t &pending_incoming_process_limit)
std::optional< scoped_connection > _accepted_block_header_connection
producer_plugin_impl(boost::asio::io_service &io)
start_block_result start_block()
bool process_unapplied_trxs(const fc::time_point &deadline)
std::optional< producer_watermark > get_watermark(account_name producer) const
fc::time_point calculate_block_deadline(const fc::time_point &) const
std::optional< fc::time_point > calculate_next_block_time(const account_name &producer_name, const block_timestamp_type &current_block_time) const
bool on_incoming_block(const signed_block_ptr &block, const std::optional< block_id_type > &block_id, const block_state_ptr &bsp)
std::atomic< bool > _received_block
boost::asio::deadline_timer _timer
boost::program_options::variables_map _options
std::vector< chain::digest_type > _protocol_features_to_activate
unapplied_transaction_queue _unapplied_transactions
std::atomic< int32_t > _max_transaction_time_ms
std::optional< named_thread_pool > _thread_pool
pending_snapshot_index _pending_snapshot_index
std::function< chain::signature_type(chain::digest_type)> signature_provider_type
subjective_billing _subjective_billing
std::map< chain::public_key_type, signature_provider_type > _signature_providers
void consider_new_watermark(account_name producer, uint32_t block_num, block_timestamp_type timestamp)
fc::microseconds _max_irreversible_block_age_us
pending_block_mode _pending_block_mode
std::pair< uint32_t, block_timestamp_type > producer_watermark
std::set< chain::account_name > _producers
void process_scheduled_and_incoming_trxs(const fc::time_point &deadline, size_t &pending_incoming_process_limit)
fc::time_point calculate_pending_block_time() const
account_name get_pending_block_producer()
virtual void plugin_initialize(const boost::program_options::variables_map &options)
greylist_params get_greylist() const
virtual void set_program_options(boost::program_options::options_description &command_line_options, boost::program_options::options_description &config_file_options) override
chain::signature_type sign_compact(const chain::public_key_type &key, const fc::sha256 &digest) const
void create_snapshot(next_function< snapshot_information > next)
void remove_greylist_accounts(const greylist_params &params)
runtime_options get_runtime_options() const
bool is_producer_key(const chain::public_key_type &key) const
void add_greylist_accounts(const greylist_params &params)
fc::variants get_supported_protocol_features(const get_supported_protocol_features_params &params) const
std::function< void(const std::variant< fc::exception_ptr, T > &)> next_function
whitelist_blacklist get_whitelist_blacklist() const
void schedule_protocol_feature_activations(const scheduled_protocol_feature_activations &schedule)
void set_whitelist_blacklist(const whitelist_blacklist &params)
void log_failed_transaction(const transaction_id_type &trx_id, const chain::packed_transaction_ptr &packed_trx_ptr, const char *reason) const
int64_t get_subjective_bill(const account_name &first_auth, const fc::time_point &now) const
get_account_ram_corrections_result get_account_ram_corrections(const get_account_ram_corrections_params &params) const
void update_runtime_options(const runtime_options &options)
scheduled_protocol_feature_activations get_scheduled_protocol_feature_activations() const
integrity_hash_information get_integrity_hash() const
std::vector< sysio::chain::transaction > find_relevant_transactions(sysio::chain::controller &curr_chain)
int64_t get_subjective_bill(const account_name &first_auth, const fc::time_point &now) const
void subjective_bill(const transaction_id_type &id, const fc::time_point &expire, const account_name &first_auth, const fc::microseconds &elapsed, bool in_pending_block)
void subjective_bill_failure(const account_name &first_auth, const fc::microseconds &elapsed, const fc::time_point &now)
bool remove_expired(fc::logger &log, const fc::time_point &pending_block_time, const fc::time_point &now, Yield &&yield)
bool is_account_disabled(const account_name &a) const
void on_block(fc::logger &log, const block_state_ptr &bsp, const fc::time_point &now)
uint64_t id
Definition code_cache.cpp:0
int * count
A helper method for generating log messages.
#define fc_ilog(LOGGER, FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:83
#define wlog(FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:124
#define edump(SEQ)
Definition logger.hpp:162
#define dlog(FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:101
#define ilog(FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:118
#define elog(FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:130
#define fc_wlog(LOGGER, FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:89
#define fc_dlog(LOGGER, FORMAT,...)
Definition logger.hpp:77
application & app()
fc::sha256 digest(const T &value)
Definition digest.hpp:9
std::shared_ptr< exception > exception_ptr
std::optional< fc::string > ostring
Definition url.hpp:10
scoped_exit< Callback > make_scoped_exit(Callback &&c)
sysio::chain_apis::account_query_db::get_accounts_by_authorizers_params params
@ read_only
bool exists(const path &p)
fc::string to_string(double)
Definition string.cpp:131
bool is_regular_file(const path &p)
constexpr microseconds milliseconds(int64_t s)
Definition time.hpp:33
void create_directories(const path &p)
std::vector< fc::variant > variants
Definition variant.hpp:173
constexpr microseconds seconds(int64_t s)
Definition time.hpp:32
std::optional< fc::variant_object > ovariant_object
Definition url.hpp:12
constexpr microseconds minutes(int64_t m)
Definition time.hpp:34
bool is_directory(const path &p)
Definition exception.hpp:18
fc::string format_string(const fc::string &, const variant_object &, bool minimize=false)
Definition variant.cpp:773
void to_variant(const sysio::chain::shared_public_key &var, fc::variant &vo)
Definition authority.cpp:4
void swap(picojson::value &x, picojson::value &y)
std::function< void(const std::variant< fc::exception_ptr, T > &)> next_function
fc::crypto::public_key public_key_type
Definition types.hpp:76
block_timestamp< config::block_interval_ms, config::block_timestamp_epoch > block_timestamp_type
deque< block_state_ptr > branch_type
chainbase::shared_multi_index_container< account_ram_correction_object, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag< by_id >, member< account_ram_correction_object, account_ram_correction_object::id_type, &account_ram_correction_object::id > >, ordered_unique< tag< by_name >, member< account_ram_correction_object, account_name, &account_ram_correction_object::name > > > > account_ram_correction_index
key Invalid authority Invalid transaction Invalid block ID Invalid packed transaction Invalid chain ID Invalid symbol Signature type is not a currently activated type Block can not be found Unlinkable block Block does not guarantee concurrent execution without conflicts Block exhausted allowed resources Block is from the future Block is not signed by expected producer Block includes an ill formed protocol feature activation extension Block includes an ill formed additional block signature extension Error decompressing transaction Transaction should have at least one required authority Expired Transaction Invalid Reference Block Duplicate deferred transaction The transaction can not be found Transaction is too big Invalid transaction extension Transaction includes disallowed Transaction exceeded transient resource limit Account name already exists sysio_assert_message assertion failure Action can not be found Attempt to use unaccessible API Inline Action exceeds maximum size limit sysio_assert_code assertion failure uses restricted error code value action return value size too big Permission Query Exception Contract Table Query Exception Database is an unknown or unsupported version guard_exception
std::shared_ptr< const packed_transaction > packed_transaction_ptr
chainbase::shared_multi_index_container< generated_transaction_object, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag< by_id >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(generated_transaction_object, generated_transaction_object::id_type, id)>, ordered_unique< tag< by_trx_id >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(generated_transaction_object, transaction_id_type, trx_id)>, ordered_unique< tag< by_expiration >, composite_key< generated_transaction_object, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(generated_transaction_object, time_point, expiration), > >, ordered_unique< tag< by_delay >, composite_key< generated_transaction_object, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(generated_transaction_object, time_point, delay_until), > >, ordered_unique< tag< by_sender_id >, composite_key< generated_transaction_object, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(generated_transaction_object, account_name, sender), > > > > generated_transaction_multi_index
std::shared_ptr< signed_block > signed_block_ptr
Definition block.hpp:105
std::shared_ptr< block_state > block_state_ptr
fc::crypto::private_key private_key_type
Definition types.hpp:77
name account_name
Definition types.hpp:120
key Invalid authority Invalid transaction Invalid block ID Invalid packed transaction Invalid chain ID Invalid symbol Signature type is not a currently activated type fork_database_exception
std::shared_ptr< transaction_metadata > transaction_metadata_ptr
fc::crypto::signature signature_type
Definition types.hpp:78
multi_index_container< pending_snapshot, indexed_by< hashed_unique< tag< by_id >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(pending_snapshot, block_id_type, block_id)>, ordered_non_unique< tag< by_height >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_CONST_MEM_FUN(pending_snapshot, uint32_t, get_height)> > > pending_snapshot_index
multi_index_container< transaction_id_with_expiry, indexed_by< hashed_unique< tag< by_id >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(transaction_id_with_expiry, transaction_id_type, trx_id)>, ordered_non_unique< tag< by_expiry >, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(transaction_id_with_expiry, fc::time_point, expiry)> > > transaction_id_with_expiry_index
T dejsonify(const string &s)
@ self
the connection is to itself
Definition protocol.hpp:48
const fc::string logger_name("net_plugin_impl")
void new_chain_banner(const sysio::chain::controller &db)
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 T::AllocatorType & a
Definition pointer.h:1181
#define T(meth, val, expected)
#define LOG_AND_DROP()
const std::string trx_trace_failure_logger_name("transaction_trace_failure")
const std::string trx_failed_trace_logger_name("transaction_failure_tracing")
fc::logger _trx_log
fc::logger _trx_trace_success_log
fc::logger _trx_trace_failure_log
uint32_t num_failures
const std::string trx_successful_trace_logger_name("transaction_success_tracing")
fc::logger _log
const std::string trx_trace_success_logger_name("transaction_trace_success")
const std::string logger_name("producer_plugin")
fc::logger _trx_failed_trace_log
fc::logger _trx_successful_trace_log
const std::string trx_logger_name("transaction")
uint8_t ex_flags
producer_name(block_signing_key)) FC_REFLECT(producer_set_def
int add(int a, int b)
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:125
signed __int64 int64_t
Definition stdint.h:135
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition stdint.h:126
signed int int32_t
Definition stdint.h:123
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:124
unsigned __int64 uint64_t
Definition stdint.h:136
static constexpr int medium
static constexpr int high
static uint32_t num_from_id(const block_id_type &id)
static constexpr uint32_t current_version
Immutable except for fc::from_variant.
Definition name.hpp:43
static void for_each_key(const block_signing_authority &authority, Op &&op)
std::string to_string() const
account_query_db::get_accounts_by_authorizers_result results
account_query_db::get_accounts_by_authorizers_params params
const uint8_t clear[]
Definition wrap_data.c:35
void bsf(const Reg &reg, const Operand &op)
void bt(const Operand &op, const Reg &reg)
uint8_t key[16]
Definition yubico_otp.c:41
char * s
CK_BYTE_PTR pubkey