Wire Sysio Wire Sysion 1.0.0
This is the complete list of members for sysiosystem::native, including all inherited members.
canceldelay(ignore< permission_level > canceling_auth, ignore< checksum256 > trx_id) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
canceldelay_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
deleteauth(name account, name permission, binary_extension< name > authorized_by) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
deleteauth_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
linkauth(name account, name code, name type, name requirement, binary_extension< name > authorized_by) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
linkauth_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
newaccount(const name &creator, const name &name, ignore< authority > owner, ignore< authority > active) | sysiosystem::native | |
newaccount_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
onerror(ignore< uint128_t > sender_id, ignore< std::vector< char > > sent_trx) | sysiosystem::native | |
setabi(const name &account, const std::vector< char > &abi, const binary_extension< std::string > &memo) | sysiosystem::native | |
setabi_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
setcode(const name &account, uint8_t vmtype, uint8_t vmversion, const std::vector< char > &code, const binary_extension< std::string > &memo) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
setcode_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
unlinkauth(name account, name code, name type, binary_extension< name > authorized_by) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
unlinkauth_action typedef | sysiosystem::native | |
updateauth(name account, name permission, name parent, authority auth, binary_extension< name > authorized_by) | sysiosystem::native | inline |
updateauth_action typedef | sysiosystem::native |