This is the complete list of members for GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator >, including all inherited members.
AllocatorType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
Ch typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
EncodingType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
GenericSchemaDocument(const ValueType &document, const Ch *uri=0, SizeType uriLength=0, IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType *remoteProvider=0, Allocator *allocator=0) | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | inlineexplicit |
GenericSchemaValidator class | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | friend |
GetRoot() const | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | inline |
GetURI() const | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | inline |
internal::Schema< GenericSchemaDocument > class | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | friend |
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
PointerType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
SchemaType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
URIType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
ValueType typedef | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | |
~GenericSchemaDocument() | GenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator > | inline |